Kakashi Catch Up

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Your First Word

First word: Pakkun

Kakashi was prone to summoning his pack when he was home spending time with the family, mostly so you would be use to them. Now he sat on the floor with Pakkun sitting in front of him & (Y/N) sitting opposite on your mother's lap.

Your dad was desperately trying to get you to say daddy, while you mom laughed and teased him that your first word would be mommy. You however weren't paying attention to either one, instead your (E/C) eyes were locked on Pakkun, and your hands stretched out for him as you tried to pet him; however Pakkun wouldn't get close enough.

"Pakkun go away." Kakashi finally said in a whiny complaining tone when he noticed that you weren't paying him any mind.

"But boss this is amusing." Pakkun stated still watching you.

"Pakkun." Kakashi sighed as the pug turned to look at his master. You noticed how Pakkun gave his attention to your dad when his name was spoken. It dawned on you that it might work for you as well.

"Pa... Pa" You started, trying to work the word out. Your dad stopped complaining at the pug and looked at you, his eyes wide in surprise, while he halfway smirked in victory thinking you were trying to say papa. "Pakuu" You finally managed, not saying the pugs name perfectly, but clear enough that it was obvious. "Pakuu!" You shouted happily, even happier as Pakkun looked at you with a dog like grin on his face.

"I'm beging to like this pup even more." Pakkun stated as he moved closer to you. You babbled happily as you were able to pet him, latching onto him tightly. You were completely unaware of the state of shock your parents were in, along with the gloomy slumped posture your dad had taken. Pakkun on the other hand noticed and laughed before licking your cheek.


Pup - Both of your parents call you pup. Your mom summons wolves, and your dad summons dogs so they just used the name pup, their packs use it as well. 

Godparent(S): Might Gai

His first reaction/thought when meeting you

Kakashi had been half way dreading your arrival, and when your mom was delivering you he stood next to the bed holding her hand while watching, the worry still biting at him. The whole nine months he hadn't been sure if he was ready for a child or not.

Once you were born however and given over to your mom, the worries Kakashi had seemed to vanish. He stood off to the side, his eyes locked onto his little family. He smiled under his mask, a gentle smile that his eyes showed.

Kakashi managed to get his hands on you, and had sat down in a rocking chair next to the bed, your mom watched the pair of you with a soft smile, while your dad rocked you, holding you close to his chest. As beautiful as her mother... I just hope I don't mess up as a father. I swear I want, I'll protect you with my life, just as I do your mother... After all you are both my precious people.

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