Chapter Twenty-four

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One, two, pounce

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One, two, pounce...

Grib dived with wings pressed to his sides. His target was on the ground, clueless and begging to be attacked. The long black snake was currently regulating its body temperature on a cool rock. The night would have hidden the creature well, but darkness was not enough to shield it from Grib's perfect night vision.

His plan was simple—possess the animal, slip into Egypt, find what needed to be found out and be gone. His essence would be hidden from the other gods and Quatesh's pesky little serpent spies this way. All they would perceive would be a harmless, very normal snake.

"In and out. Do not linger."

As if the snake heard Grib's words, it raised its head and looked straight up. Since animals could see spiritual beings, he sensed it the instant the serpent spotted him. Lowering its head, it slithered off the rock.

Grip sped after the creature, teleporting in the direction he assumed it would turn. But the snake was smart; it moved unpredictably, making scattered zigzag turns and halting at some points.

Grib released a frustrated sigh. He pulled back, observed the snake's twitchy movement and realised the animal was heading to a hole close to the base of some wilderness shrubs.

No way was he going to be outsmarted by an ordinary serpent. Gathering his momentum, he zapped forward and snatched the animal by the tail just before it could disappear into the hole.

Dragging the writhing serpent further away from its escape, Grib laughed as it lashed at him, trying uselessly to bite his feet. Its fangs passed right through with milky venom pouring from the lethal needles.

"A fighter, eh? Good. I need you strong for the task ahead."

In an instant, Grib transformed into a thick, black vapour that seeped into the creature like smoke through a vent. Inside the snake felt tight and uncomfortable, but it was nothing he hadn't experienced before. Looking through the eyes of the animal, he hissed at its limited vision.

"Pathetic." Grib closed his eyes for an instant then snapped them open. "There, better." He nodded in satisfaction and looked around, seeing everything much clearer and instantly knowing the path to take.

"Just get the information and return. That's all you have to do. What could go wrong?" Grib muttered before slithering ahead.


Ruhak observed the Egyptian boy with narrowed eyes. "I know he is hiding something..." he mumbled. The pillar of fire provided enough light for him to see him laugh and joke with Japheth, the son of Eliahba.

Ruhak was no fool. He was one of many foreigners who chose to flee with the children of Israel, but that boy... something about him stood out. The way he carried himself and his manner of speech was not ordinary. As he looked on, he absently used the blunt edge of his knife to scratch one of the pustule-filled sores at his feet.

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