Amusement Park Fun

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*~*~*~*~*2 weeks later*~*~*~*~*~*

Vicky POV

This was officially the best two weeks in a long time. Even though all we basically did was play video games at his house, it was still a lot of fun. I basically lived at his house the entire time. But sadly, we have to go back to school tomorrow. We need to make the best of today so I was thinking that we should go to the amusement park. You know, ride some roller coasters, play some games, just have fun. I called Felix, "Hey Felix. I was wondering if you wanted to go to the amusement park today?" "Sure! Sounds like fun. Meet you there at eleven?" "Sure see you." I said and hung up. That gives me an hour to get ready and get to the amusement park. I started getting ready. I took a shower, got dressed, and did my hair and make up. I asked my mom to take me to the amusement park and she said yes. She dropped me off ten minutes before eleven. I called Felix to see if he was here yet. "Are you here yet?" "Yeah i'm just walking in." "Okay i'll meet you by the maps in front." "Okay see you." I started walking to the place where the maps were when I saw that Felix was already there. I decided to be a great friend and scare him. *note the sarcasm* I walked up behind him and yelled "BOO!" by his ear while kind of pushing him. "AHH! Vicky?" he asked turning around. "Hey!" "Vicky you scared the shit out of me!" I started laughing. "What?" he asked confused. "Nothing. It's just you get scared so easily." "Hey!" he said whining. "It's ok. It's just funny." He pouts. "Hey i'm sorry ok?" I don't like him being upset. "Ha I knew you would give in!" "Ha Ha yeah you got me. Now can we go have fun now?" I was excited. They finally opened the rides again and since we were so early (the park had barely opened) there were hardly any lines. "Yeah! Let's go!"

We had so much fun. We went on rides and played some games. We spent all day there. By the end of the day we were both exhausted but very happy. "I had fun today." I said as we walked out of the park. "Me too. I'm SO tired now though." Felix said while smiling. "Me too bro." We both called our parents to come pick us up. We would have taken a bus but we were scared we were going to fall asleep and miss our stop. My mom came and said that Felix's parents asked her to pick him up for them. We all just talked on the way to Felix's house. "See you tomorrow Felix." I said as we stopped at his house. "See you." He said as he got out of the car. Today was a really great day I thought as we drove away.

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