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Vicky POV

I sighed. Descisions, descisions. I know that I forgive Anthony, I just don't know how or when to tell him. I guess I could tell him at lunch. This isn't something you just casually tell someone. No, I think i'll tell him privately.

*~*~*Skippy to after school*~*~*

"Anthony!" I called out as I saw him walking out of school. I turned towards Felix, who I was walking out with, and smiled apologetically. "Sorry Felix. I have to go talk to him." "It's ok. You get your shit straightened out." He grinned. "I'll meet you back at my place." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in relief. "Thanks bro, it means a lot to me." "Yeah, yeah. Don't get all emotional on me." I rolled my eyes. Stupid Felix. "Ok then, now go." "Ouch," he said while faking being hurt, " you want to get rid of me so soon?" I smiled. "Yes idiot, now go away." I said jokingly. "Ok, ok! Jeez woman!" He said while walking away. I then turned my attention to Anthony who was now standing in front of me. "Hey, you called me?" "Yeah, I just wanted to say that I forgive you. She's your best friend and I get that now. But I don't think I want to be in a relationship with you anymore." Damn this is harder to say than I thought. He seems to be taking it pretty well though. "I like you, I do. But I don't think it's in that kind of way." I watch his face intently to see his reaction. He seems, relieved? I don't know what kind of reaction I expected but it sure wasn't this. I gave him a look that said 'care to explain?' He looked a little embarrassed and said, "Look Vicky, I like you too but i'm glad you don't want to go out with me. I was kind of thinking the same thing." He seemed embarrassed and ashamed after telling me this. I honestly don't know why. I literally just told him I only like him as a friend and he feels bad for feeling the same way? Boys are so confusing I tell you. "Oh. Well that makes this easier I guess. Could we still be friends?" "Yeah! Of course." He gives me a small, relieved smile. "Perfect. I guess i'll see you tomorrow?" "Yeah. Bye Vicky."

I turned around and started walking to Felix's house. On the way there I thought about what just happened. I wonder how long Anthony felt like that. It couldn't have been that long considering he was texting me that he wanted to get back together a couple of days ago. He must have realized that yesterday or today. It doesn't matter though because I don't feel that way about him and he doesn't feel that way about me. And if I know Anthony at all he would've told me right away when I talked to him. I actually made it easier for the both of us. He didn't have to tell me he didn't like me like that and I didn't have to worry about him being heartbroken from me not wanting to go out with me. I started smiling to myself when I tried to picture Anthony crying and watching chick-flicks. It just looked so hilarious. By the time I was at Felix's house I was practically cracking up picturing Anthony being like a heartbroken girl. It was pretty hilarious you have to admit. I walked in the house and yelled to Felix that I was home. I heard him reply from his and started walking over there. When I walked I sat at his desk and started on my homework. "So how did your little talk with Anthony go?" "Actually better than expected." "Oh? Care to explain?" "Well I told him that I forgave him and that I got that he and Kalel were best friends. I also told him that I didn't want to be in a relationship with him." "And how did he react?" "He was actually relieved." I saw Felix's face scrunch in confusion. I almost laughed because it actually looked pretty funny but I don't think now would be a great time to laugh. Instead I said, "Yeah I know. At first I was confused too but then he explained to me that he didn't want to be in a relationship either." Felix's face relaxed and he said,"Oh. So I'm guessing you guys are just friends now?" "Well sir, you guessed correctly. We both wanted to stay friends and that's it." He nodded his head in understanding."Well that's great I guess. But won't it be kind of awkward?" "It shouldn't be. We both agreed on this." "Ok. Are you done with your homework yet?" I smiled at his complete change of subject. This boy, I swear. "Almost, calm down." "But I'm boreeed!!!" "Well just suck it up for a few minutes will you? I already told you I'm almost done." "Finee. I'm going to go set up the video games." "You do that. What game are we playing?" "I don't know. How about some Call of Duty? We haven't played that in forever." "Sure, why not. We're playing online right?" "Duh. Why wouldn't we?" "I don't know." I shrugged. "Ok I'm done with my homework. Get the controllers ready!" I put my homework away and walked sat down next to Felix on his bed. "Jeez woman, you're so bossy!" I rolled my eyes. "Shut up. Someone needs to tell you to do stuff." "Whatever. Are we going to play or not?" "Yeah, yeah. Give me my controller."


After a couple of hours of Call of Duty we were winning the last round. "Come on guys! There's only one person left alive on their team!" I said into my headset. Felix and I got put on different teams and somehow he was the last one on their team. When did he get so good at this? I walked around the corner in the game and saw Felix's character not facing me. I quickly shot him before he saw me on my screen since we were doing split screen so we could both play on his Xbox. Felix yelled out, "Hey! Where the hell did that come from?!" when his character died. After I shot him I quickly turned my person around and ran a little bit away. I started laughing and Felix looked at me funny before he realized I was the one who shot him. "You! You shot me!" I grinned cheekily and said, "Yup! Now we won! Well, not your team Felix but I think you got that." Felix pouted. "You're mean." I smirked. "Who said I was nice?" I looked at my phone and saw that my mom texted me saying she'll be here soon to pick me up. "And I'm out. Thanks for the good game guys. Bye." I took off my headset and turned it off. I logged out of the game and my profile and all that stuff. "I'm leaving Felix." "Good. I want to spend as much time as I can without you at home since you're going to be staying here for a while." He joked. "I'm hurt. Right here." I touched my heart. I grinned at him. " No you aren't." He said. "Ok yeah, your right." "I'm always right." "Sure buddy. Whatever I got to go." "Ok bye. See you tomorrow."

As I got home I thought, 'boys are so weird.' And it's true. They are the strangest creatures in the world.


A/N *says timidly* Hey guys. PLEASEDON'TKILLME!! I took forever to update this time and I said I wasn't going to take this long ever again. I don't even have a decent excuse other than I had writers block. Ok well on to other news, thanks for all the reads! Although this is really selfish of me to say, especially since I broke a promise I made to you guys, I'm going to say it anyways. I WANT YOU GUYS TO COMMENT!!! I LOVE hearing response from you guys! Anyway, I love you guys, please don't kill me, other stuff. :D

We will meet again...


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