What's the Plan?

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Vicky POV

"Felix?!" "I'm here!" Oh gosh! I almost had a heart attack! I couldn't find him! "Ok good." We had just gotten out of school and were starting to walk to his house. "So what are we going to so about tomorrow?" Felix asked. Shit. He wasn't supposed to ask that until later when I have a plan. Should I be honest? I guess I should.... "Honestly? I don't know yet. I'm working on it though." Uh oh! He looks like he's starting to get worried. "Hey, it's going to be fine. We're going to be alright." He still looked a little worried but not as bad. We kept walking. I'm thinking, how could we stay hidden from Blake? We could avoid him all day, but then he'll eventually notice us sneaking around him. Or even worse someone else could see us always looking around and tell him. At least we didn't tell anyone else what we did. Otherwise it would be a lot harder to keep this secret. Maybe we could pretend to be sick and stay home for a couple days? No our parents would know right away. I guess we could go with avoiding him but making it look natural, like we're just trying to stay away from a bully. Yeah I think that could work...

*~*~*At Felix's House*~*~*~*~*~*~*

"Felix I think i've got it!" He didn't look at me. "Felix?" then I noticed his earbuds were in. I tapped his shoulder. He jumped, surprised. "Yeah?" he said. "I think I know how we could stay away from Blake." "I'm listening." "Ok so I was thinking we could just avoid him but not look suspicious. Like if we were just trying to stay away from a bully or someone we don't really like." "I like it. But won't we look weird after a while?" "Well yeah, but if we know anything about Blake, he'll eventually get over it." "Okay, I think we've got a plan!" Good, he doesn't seem nervous anymore. I was worried for a bit.

Felix POV

I was scared. But not for me, for Vicky. She doesn't know this, but I noticed it. I'm pretty sure Blake likes her. I mean why else would he always be messing with her? It's a guys way of saying he likes a girl, and to stay away from her. That's also why he's meaner to me. Again, Vicky doesn't know, but i've got dark bruises all over my arms and stomach. He hits me whenever i'm not with Vic. I can't tell her this because then she'll be worried and I can't let her be worried about me. Or she'll go out with him to protect me. I can't let her do that either. I mean what if he hits her if she trys to break up with him? Or if she hangs out with me? It would break my heart if she did that. No, she won't find out. When she told me her plan I thought it was actually a pretty good plan. He wouldn't see us and he wouldn't see me with her. Maybe he'll get over liking her.... But maybe i'm getting my hopes up to soon. We'll just have to wait and see. "Hey I have to go now." Vicky said, breaking my train of thought. "Huh?" "I said I have to go." "Aww!" "What you want me to stay?" she smirked. "Ha yeah right!" I said laughing. "Bye." "See ya."

Vicky POV

I had to leave. I'm kind of sad, I like hanging out with Felix. Oh well, it's not like we don't text and call. I walked out the house and went to my house. At least we've got a plan now.


A/N so you likey the long chappie? I had a great idea, so I thought "why not give the bros another chapter." What?! You're not a bro you say?! Then why are you reading this?! Ha that's what I thought.

We will meet again....


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