Chillin With Friends and Going On Dates

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Vicky POV

I woke up next to Felix. I looked at my phone and saw that I had a bunch of missed calls and texts from Anthony. I looked at all the texts and checked for voicemails. Then I texted him and said,

Hey. Sorry I didn't answer you I was hanging out with Felix. I felt bad for basically ignoring him the entire weekend. We can hang out later tho. :)

A few minutes later he replied,

It's ok. How about seven? We could go to the movies or something.

Sounds great. meet ya at the theater?

Yeah. see ya there.

I felt movement next to me to see that Felix had woken up."Morning! I've been up forever! And, just to let you know. You snore." I joked, whispering the part where he snored."Yeah right. You just woke up. I can tell." "Pshh no. I told you, i've been up for a while." Do I really look that different from when I go to sleep than when I wake up? Probably, considering I move around a lot. I am a lot closer to Felix than when I went to sleep."Surrre. That's why your head looks like a bush." My eyes widened. Is my hair THAT messy?! I grabbed my phone and put the selfie camera on and checked my hair. That liar! My head does not look like a bush. Sure my hair is a little messy but not that bad. I softly hit Felix."You liar! My hair isn't even that messy." During the entire time Felix had been laughing and he just calmed down, though he was still staring at me."What?" I said kind of annoyed. "It's just i've never seen you act like that before." "Well you obviously haven't seen me in the morning." "I haven't actually. You haven't slept over since we were little." "Really? Has it been that long since i've slept over?" "Yup." "Huh. Well I guess that record is broken!" "Yeah. Well i'm going to go take a shower before you use up all the hot water." "Hey! I do not use up the hot water!" "Uh yeah you do." "No I don't." I don't take up the hot water. How rude of him to say that."Whatever. I'll be back. But, just for the record, you do use up all the hot water." He grinned and ran out of the room before the pillow that I threw could hit him. I could hear his laughing all the way until he closed the door to the bathroom.

I spent his entire shower on my phone playing Candy Crush. I have a love/hate relationship with that game. I hate it because it gets on my nerves that I take forever to pass the levels. I love it because it's so addicting and I always want to pass the levels. Felix came into the room in just a towel."Jeez Felix! Couldn't you at least told me you weren't decent? Now i'm scarred for life!" I said while grinning at him. "Psh scarred by my sexiness!" "You keep believing that bro. Hey where are my spare clothes again?" I said while getting up. "Um, second drawer I think." I walked over to his dresser and opened the second drawer. After a little digging around I found my clothes."Ok thanks. I'll be back soon." "Oh by the way, where's your phone charger? I need to charge my phone." "It's by the table." "Ok thanks again." "Why do you keep saying thank you?" He didn't say it to be rude, he was just being curious."I don't know. I guess I just feel thankful." I said smiling."Now stop distracting me! I have to go take a shower." "Ok jeesh miss 'I have to be clean.'" I rolled my eyes at him. He's such a weirdo. I plugged my phone in, grabbed my stuff and went to go take a shower.

Felix POV

Vicky left to go take a shower while I finished getting dressed. When I finished getting dressed I threw myself on the bed and played Subway Surfers the entire time she was in the shower.

After Vicky got out of the shower and we had breakfast, we decided to go to the park."Hey Vic! Bet you can't climb up that slide!" I said pointing to a slide that was super bumpy. She quickly and easily climbed the slide, then stood at the top and looked at me with a face that said 'You were so wrong.' "What do I get for winning?" She asked while going down the slide. "You get....a hug!" "No thanks. How about ten bucks?" she said jokingly. "Nope. you get a hug. Take it or leave it." I said while grinning at her. "Mmm... Take it!" She ran over and threw herself at me. I almost fell but I managed to stay standing up and hug her back. "I still would've preferred ten bucks." she said while pulling away. I just laughed. Then Vicky said,"Hey can we go home? I've got plans and I don't want to be late." Oh she probably has a date with Anthony. I decided to tease her about it. "Ooh got a hot date with Anthony?" She blushed and replied, "I've got a date with Anthony, but it's not going to be hot."Mhm. Sure. Wait when is your date?" "Seven why?" "Because it's five thirty right now." "What?! Already?! Wow I didn't think we were here that long. I have to go to my house to get ready i'll see you tomorrow ok Felix?" "Ok." Just don't forget about me again. "Bye."

Vicky POV

After Felix and I said goodbye I half ran, half speed walked to my house. When I got inside I yelled hi to my parents who were home already, and went to go take another shower. When I got out I put on some jeans and a t-shirt and did my hair. I went downstairs and found my mom in the living room, watching tv. "Hey mom, could I borrow the car?" "Sure honey. Just be back by ten." "Thanks mom you're the best! Love you!" I said while walking out. "Love you too!" I drove to the theater and saw Anthony getting out of his car. I parked my car and walked behind Anthony and scared him with a hug from behind. "Hey!" I said. "Heyy. You ready?" "Yup. Let's go!"

*~*~*~*~*Time Skip to after date*~*~*

"I had fun tonight." I said as we walked out of the theater holding hands. "Me too. I'll see you at school tomorrow?" "Yeah. Bye." I got in my car, started it up and left. I barely got home before ten. When I walked in I heard the shower being turned off and guessed my mom was getting ready for bed. I yelled 'night' to my mom, put on my pajamas and was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


A/N Hey guys! So I just wanted to clarify that Felix and Vicky are seniors in high school, and in Sweden but i'm putting it in English so you can understand it. XD Also i'm sorry this chapter is kinda suckish at parts. I got kinda stuck on what to write in this chapter. Yeah so....tell me what you think. VOTE. FAN. FOLLOW.

We will meet again.....


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