Guilt and Best Friends

378 19 4

Vicky POV

"Hello?" "Felix!" "Vicky?"

"Why haven't you called me?" said Felix. Man I feel so bad. I am a horrible best friend. "I am SO sorry Felix! I've just been busy with Anthony and... I'm sorry." "I thought I had made you mad or something." Ugh! Why does he have to be so sweet and sad. It makes it harder. Poor Felix. "I know Felix and I feel really bad. I want to make it up to you. I'm going to spend all of today with you." "Ok. You want to come over to my house?" "Yeah. I'll be there in like ten minutes." "Ok i'll see you in a bit." "See ya." Ok. It seems like he's not THAT mad at me. I've got about ten minutes to shower and get ready. Easy enough.

Eight minutes later I was walking out the house to his. Felix always told me I walked too fast. I guess it was true because I got to his house in five minutes. I knocked on his door and waited for someone to answer.

Felix POV

I was just finishing getting dressed when I heard a knock at the front door. Could it be Vicky? But she knows she doesn't have to knock. I pulled on my shirt and went to the door. I opened it to find Vicky standing there. Ok what? Why didn't she just walk in like she normally does. Ok wow, that made her sound rude. She isn't, she's just been my friend for so long it's like her own house. Since she always just walks in this is weird. I should ask her why she didn't just walk in.

"Hey Vicky. You could've just come in you know." "Haha. Yeah... I didn't know if you were mad at me and find it rude that I just walked in. You know since I haven't talked to you in a few days." "You're still my best friend aren't you? We don't have to be together all the time." Why would she think I was mad at her? It's not like she did anything to make me mad. Just because she hasn't talked to me in a couple of days doesn't mean i'm mad at her. She looked at the ground shyly as if she didn't really believe me. I put my hand under her chin to make her look at me. "I'm not mad at you. You know that right?" "Yeah. Sure." She still didn't sound sure. "Hey come on, let's go to my room and play some video games." "Ok."

Vicky POV

We went to his room to play video games. He said he wasn't mad at me but I feel like he should be. I don't know why i'm making such a big deal. I should just get over it and move on. Yeah, I just have to do what Felix is doing and act like it's nothing. Okay, seems easy enough. Maybe if I act like it, i'll actually believe it and forget about it. Okay.

Felix and I had been playing for about four hours when I got bored. We had just finished playing Call of Duty on his Xbox and I threw the controller on the bed and rolled over. "Felix, i'm tired of playing video games. Can we go to the park?" "Ugh. But it's so far!" "It's only like a block away!" "Exactly! It's soo far." "You're so lazy! Pleease!!" I said while giving him puppy eyes. He's never been able to resist me when I give him puppy eyes. He looked at me for ten seconds then said, "Fineeee! We'll go to the park." "Yay! You're the best!" I tried to hug him, but it was kind of hard considering we were both laying on the bed. In the end it ended up looking like I layed on top of him. "Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm amazing. Now let's get ready to go to the park." "Ok." I rolled off of him and started to get ready. I brushed my hair and put on my shoes. I was waiting by the front door with my sweater and Felix was still getting ready. "Jeez Felix. How long does it take to get ready?" "Hey, I have to look good if i'm going out. All this sexiness," he said while gesturing to himself, "doesn't come easily. It takes hard work to look this good." "It's sad all that hard work doesn't pay off. You still look as ugly as usual." I said jokingly. Felix knows I don't actually mean that. "Ha yeah right. You're just too embarassed to admit I look good." "Whatever. Now come on, are you ready yet? I want to leave when the sun is still up." "Yeah, yeah. I'm ready. Let's go!"

We spent the rest of the day at the park until the sun started to go down. By the time we got back to his house it was dark outside. "Do you mind if I crashed at your place tonight Felix? It's getting late and I don't want to go home alone." I asked. I always have a spare change of clothes and pajamas at his house for just this kind of thing. "Yeah of course. Your clothes are still in the drawer." He said whil getting clothes and a towel to go shower. "You know where it is. I'm going to go take a shower. Be back in fifteen." "Kay."

Once he was back we both layed in his bed and talked until we fell asleep.


A/N Guys I am SO SORRY!!! It has been like a month since i've updated. (I don't know I didn't keep track CX) I wont take this long to update again I promise. On the other hand, 100+ reads?! What happened while I was gone?! I can't believe we got so many reads. That's right, I said we. You guys are as much a part of the success of the book as I am. Anyways I love you guys!

We will meet again...


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