Date Time!

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Vicky POV

OH. MY. GOD. Today is the day! Ahhh i'm freaking out! Today I have my date with Anthony! I don't know what to wear! I guess I should call my best girlfriend, Emily. What, You thought I only hung out with Felix?! I need SOME girl time. So I called her.

"Hey girl!" I said into the phone. "Hey! How you holdin' up? I heard you had a hot date today." she said jokingly. "I know! And i'm freaking out! Come help me?" I asked her. "Of course! Be there in five. See ya!" "Hurry!"

She didn't lie. She literally got here in five minutes. She texted me when she was pulling up to my house. 'I'm pulling up.' 'I see you. Thanks SO much for this. You're a life saver!' 'Lol I know. :P' By this time she was at my door. I opened the door and led her to my room. "Ok, so Anthony said we we're going to the movies." "Ok. I'm thinking just wear jeans and this shirt." she said while giving me skinny jeans and my black shirt that's loose and hangs off one of my shoulders. "Yeah, seems good. You know, not to fancy, not to plain. Thanks Em you're a life saver!" "I know. Just go! Get ready. I'll talk to you after your date!" She said excitedly. "Ok! Love you Em." I said. I heard her say 'Love you too!' as she was leaving. Now time to get ready...

I took a shower then came out drying my hair. Next I got dressed then started on my hair. I blow dried it and curled it. Then, make up. I just went with mascara, eyeliner, and some lip gloss. Anthony said he would pick me up at 4:00 and it's 3:52 right now. He should be here soon.

About five minutes later Anthony was here. "Hi!" I said while going outside. "Hey. Is it ok if we walk?" he asked while scratching behing his neck. "Sure! It's really nice right now so, why not?" "Great! Now come on, the movie starts at 4:20."

*~*~*~*~*~*Time Skip*~*~*~*~*

"I had fun today." I said as we walked up to my front door. "Me too. I was wondering if you would like to do this again sometime?" Is he asking me for a second date?! He actually likes me?! This is amazing. "Of course. I'd love to." "So see you Friday?" "Yeah. Bye!" I said. "Bye." As soon as I got inside my house I started freaking out. I was so excited that I actually got a second date! I have to call Emily! I quickly pulled out my phone and called her. She picked up almost right away. "So how was your date?! Tell me EVERYTHING." So I did. "Well first we went to the movies, and he let me pick what movie to watch." "Good. That's a good sign." "Then when the movie was over we went to the beach and just walked around and talked." "Aww! How romantic!" "I know! He's so sweet!" "He seems like it! Hey I got to go but i'll talk to you tomorrow." "Ok bye." "Bye." She said then hung up. I took another shower to get my make up off and then put on my pajamas. When I went to go watch tv I felt like I was missing something. Or like if I forgot something but I just brushed it off and went to sleep.

The next day I woke up and realized why I felt weird last night. Felix. I haven't talked to him in days! I am such a horrible friend. I quickly called him. Come on Felix, pick up. I silently pleaded while it was ringing. "Hello?" "Felix!" "Vicky?"


A/N Ooh cliffhanger! What do you think he's going to say? Anyway guys here's the new chapter! I was trying to decide whether to make another character or bring another youtuber. It was kind of hard so I just said fuck it, i'll give them another youtuber. Hope you like it! VOTE. FAN. FOLLOW. Just thought i'd try.

We will meet again...


How It All Happened (A Pewdiepie fan fiction) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now