It's Hard To Say No: Sex Without A Condom (Feb, 2012)

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 We've all been in the heat of the moment while making love and hated taking one minute to put on a condom. You argue in your mind, trying to decide quickly. Who wants to fumble around looking for one or fight with the packaging or even, for the man, feel physically uncomfortable with one on because it may be too tight or the rubber too rough? Condoms do decrease sensitivity for both men and women, BUT they also make sex last longer. Going without does hold many consequences, but who gives a damn when you are trying to get your freak on?

According to a recent study by Professor Stuart Brody of the University of the West of Scotland in Paisley, sex without a condom is good for mental health, and that it can greatly boost both male and female mental well-being. The reverse affect, with a condom, results in problems dealing with stress and depression.* So, not only does it feel good without the restrictions of a rubber, but its beneficial for one's health also!

Contradictory, for the few pro's there are to this topic, there are twice as many con's. Many people forget their basic their basic junior high sexual education classes. If you have sex without a condom, you are putting yourself at risk for pregnancy, Sexually Transmitted Diseases or Infections, even if you are in a monogamous relationship. Remember, every person you and your partner have been with, reflects on your sex life with your present partner, so, in theory, you are sleeping with past sexual partners also. Also bear in mind that they too may or may not have had a common STI, such as Syphilis or Herpes, and certain STI's can lie dormant for years before showing any symptoms, so be sure to be tested regularly, especially if you have multiple partners. Some of these diseases can also affect your unborn child, if you are pregnant.

If you are not ready for kids, single or in a relationship, it only takes one of those little swimmers to get you pregnant, which means pre-ejaculate secretions can also cause pregnancy. So, the “pull out method” is not a safe way to avoid a pregnancy scare. Though condoms are not 100% percent effective, neither are other types of birth control, such as the Pill, but condoms will assist in greatly reducing your risk up to 85% if used correctly.

In some countries, it is actually offensive to the male to ask or request them to use protection, which could possibly be why there is an increased epidemic of HIV and AIDS in developing countries, such as India, China and several counties in the continent of Africa, such as Nigeria, South Africa and Ethiopia. Also, in some countries and cultures, condoms are not used if men feel they don't have to use one by judging a partner by appearance, for example, “a clean looking” person. If, for instance the person they were bedding was a prostitute, a condom would be used because of the partner's profession and amount of sexual partners. How about those men who claim they can't stay in the moment with one? The body can be trained to get used to doing the deed with protection, its all mind over matter.

If this argument still isn't convincing you to use a condom, keep in mind, that many condom manufacturers produce condoms that are super thin and still reliable to protect, all while still feeling like nothing is on. Though not the same as without, it is very close. If you happen to be allergic to latex, there are alternative condoms, such as polyisoprene,polyurethane, and lambskin, though lambskin will NOT protect you from HIV because the virus is small enough to get through it. These types of non-latex condoms are still made to feel like there is no condom present. There are also female condoms, which is like a thin pouch that is designed to line the entire vagina.

If you do not want to put yourself or your partner at risk of pregnancy and STI's, use a condom, plain and simple. It is better to be safe than sorry and worried at the end of your bedroom festivities. To get more information about Sexually Transmitted Infections and pregnancy, you can check out several websites to help answer any questions you may have, but visiting your doctor or a professional in the field, may be the best solution to getting resolution to your questions.

If you are in a steady, committed relationship and/or you have other birth control methods and get tested regularly, then get down without!! But, as hard as it is to say no to condoms, you must keep the above listed factors in mind when you are about have a wild, pleasurable night, so wrap it up and enjoy the ride!


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