Cat and Mouse.

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After I was done hanging out with Rich I heard my phone rang I took it out of my pocket and saw that it was Paul who was calling and I picked it up then said "Hey Boss Man Whats Up?" He said "Hey T.J. just wanted to talk your debut match next week." I replied "Yeah who am I facing?" He told me that I was facing Tony Nese and he was a powerhouse but he was also very agile, so I was worried but not to worried. After Paul told me that I hung up the phone and then I decided to text Amelia and see what she was up to because she has been playing this cat and mouse game with me and to be honest I do not have time for these games. When I texted her I said "Hey A, Whats Going On? Why are you playing games?"  It took very long for her to respond but when she did she said something like this "What are you talking about TJ I am not playing any games." Then I said "Prove it. Go out with me tonight I will pick you up at 10 p.m. ok?" She replied "Sounds Great." Then I put my phone in my pocket and decided I needed to go for a run because that is what I do when I have a lot on my mind I go for a run and then I sit at a park and just think. 

~2 hours later~ 

Once I got done with my run I decided to go back to the hotel for a little bit to take a nap before my date with Amelia, so once I got through my door I locked the door and then went in the bedroom took off my shirt and then went to sleep. I woke up around 7-7:30 p.m. once I did get out of bed I decided to take a shower and then just chill on the couch since I had a couple of hours before I had to pick up Amelia for our date she has not texted me with any kind of excuse so I took that as a good sign. Once I got out of the shower I got dressed in a suit shirt, some dress pants and then slipped on some Jordan's because why the hell not right? Then I sat down and decided to turn on the television to watch some cartoons because I am still a child at heart, then it was like 45 minutes later and then my phone went off then I saw a text from Amelia that read "Sorry I can not make it does not mean I am playing games can we still rain check?" Then I texted her back and said "Ok Amelia but I am letting you know now that I am not going to be waiting. Got it?" She did not respond because she knew I was write and then after that I put my phone down on the table and decided to go across the hall to Rich's hotel room so we can play some video games and just hang out since Raw was tomorrow. Once I got to his hotel room I knocked on the door it did not take long for him to open it and then he said "Hey TJ! What is going on my man?" I did not really want to say much about my situation with Amelia so I just told him that I wanted to come in and play some video games because I was not tired enough to want to go to sleep and he let me then for the rest of the night we just sat on the floor playing video games and to be honest I was so happy that we did because I am getting worn out emotionally with all these games Amelia is playing. 

Guys!!!!! I need opinions!!! I am losing my mind let me know if this chapter is good PLEASE!

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Guys!!!!! I need opinions!!! I am losing my mind let me know if this chapter is good PLEASE!

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