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T.J's POV: I woke up a little early because the doctor came in and shook my shoulder then said "Mr.Perkins it looks like Amelia has a couple more days here so we make sure all that she is at 100% when she discharges." I nodded then I replied "Okay but how is she doing now?"

The doctor looked at me then said "She seems to be doing really good. We did a  neurological test to make sure that her concussion was just that. She passed with flying colors. Her cuts are healing up okay, she will get her stitches out by tomorrow the latest." I sat up rubbed my eyes then said "Alright awesome. I'll see you later doc." Then we shook hands and the doctor headed out. It didn't take long for Amelia to wake up but once she did she looked at me and asked "Hey you, why are you still here?" I grabbed her hand then said "I'm still here because I love you." She looked at me smiled then said "Awe TJ I love you too."

Then I bent over the side of her bed then we had our first kiss and it was magical. Once we finally took a breathe we looked at each other and just smiled, she scoohed over so I can I lay on the bed with her. I hopped up in the bed and she rested her head on my chest and fell asleep, right before she fell asleep she said "I don't deserve you." I kissed her forehead didn't say a word then went on my phone scrolled through twitter to see all the get well messages for Amelia and it made me smile. I didn't know she had so many fans so many people that cared about her but the one thing that I had to get to the bottom of was why Amelia told me that her father was dead when Paul was very much alive.

I knew that it was probably to invasive to ask her about it so I had to go to the source and that was Paul. Once Amelia woke up again I asked her if she wanted anything from her apartment then she nodded and handed me a list that consisted of:
1. Some clothes
2. My blanket from my bed
3. One of my favorite pillows
4. Food.
I smiled at her then gave her a kiss then made my way to her place but my first step was to go see Paul. It didn't take long to get to the performance center then I walked into his office then asked him "Why did Amelia tell me her dad died?" He sighed then said "Perkins, when I found out that Chyna was pregnant I was really young. We were scared but really excited to be parents. When the time came and she was born we came to the decision that since we were both on the road all the time that we would give her up for adoption. When Patterson went to LA to scout some talent from Lucha Underground he saw Amelia and the talent she had then he gave her an opportunity and she took it. She doesn't know that I'm her biological father but she also doesn't know that she was adopted or that I am her next of kin. She is in a really fragile state right now so you can not say anything, let me talk to her when the time is right okay?"

I nodded then said "I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that Paul. But there is something I have to tell you." He looked up and said "You guys are together aren't you?" I replied "How did you know?" He said "I'm not stupid Perkins I see the way you look at her. That is the way I look at Stephanie now." I smiled then said "Thank you for saying that sir. It means a lot coming from you."

After that I left the performance center I went to Amelia's place grabbed everything she wanted then headed back to the hospital. Once I made it back I ran into Noam then I said "Hey Noam." He walked up to me then said "How is she doing?" I said "She is doing fantastic." He smiled then said thats great well I'm gonna get going then we bro-hugged then he went on his way. After that I brought all the stuff back up to Amelia's room and she was sleeping she was so cute when she was sleeping. So I put everything down headed to my cot climbed in it then fell asleep myself just to recharge because all the information I just took in is a lot.
Authors note: Do you guys like the update?

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