Next Morning.

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Once I woke up the next morning, I realized I was alone but I saw that there was a note on the coffee table that had my name on it. Once I opened the note I read it and it said "TJ, thank you for being there for me last night. But I need to get away for a while, I don't know where I am going but I need you to tell Paul and Stephanie about everything that happened and that I will let you know when I am getting where I am going. Do not worry about me. -A."
After I read the note I got up and made my way to my car so I can go to the performance center and tell the bosses what is going on.
~30 minutes later~
Once I got to the performance center I made my way inside but before I walked through the doors I feel someone bump into me. We both fell to the ground once I looked up I saw that the person I ran into was Brian Kendrick, he looked like he has not slept in days. We looked up at each other and I said "Brian are you okay? You look like a mess." He looked at me and smiled a crooked smile and replied "What the fuck do you care?" After that I scoffed and then said "Whatever Brian." Then I got up and walked inside and then I asked Rich if he knew the boss man was here and he told me that he was over by the ring in the far corner with Cedric and Noam. I said "Thanks Swann." He nodded and then I made my way to the ring but was stopped yet again by "The" Brian Kendrick and he said "You think your better than me Perkins? That title that you have was remade for me! So enjoy it while it lasts punk." Then he punched me in the face I feel to the ground and then realized that my lip was bleeding but before I could get up Paul walked up to me and said "Are you okay TJ?" I replied "Yeah no big deal." Then he reached his hand out and helped me up then said to me "Heard that you wanted to see me whats up?" After that I said "Can we go to your office?" He nodded and then motioned for me to come with him, once we reached his office I told everything that happened with Amelia he did not seem to pleased to hear this coming from me but he looked at me and said "Thank you T.J. I will let Steph know what is going on. Just promise me one thing ok?" I replied "Yeah anything." He said "Promise me that has soon as you hear from her give her my number and tell her if she needs anything to call me ok?" I nodded in agreement and then I told him that i am going to go to train with Noam and Cedric he said "Go train. Ok?" I said "Thanks Boss." While I was running the ropes with Noam all I could think about was Amelia and then something happened that shook me to me very core. 

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