Hanging out.

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Noam's POV: Once T.J. came out of the bosses office he looked like he had a lot on his mind. I wanted to ask him what was up but before I could get the chance to ask he asked me if I would run the ropes with him, I nodded in agreement because I will take any chance to train. But I noticed that he tripped up a couple times and then he just fell flat on his face that when I crouched down and asked him if he was alright he looked at me for a second and then said "Nah Noam im not. I have a lot going on right now." Then I sat on the edge of the ring and said "You wanna talk about it?" He looked at me like he was going to pour his heart out but then someone rudely interrupted us. I didn't recognize him because his back was turned but once he turned around I realized it was Brian Kendrick and he didn't look happy but before he could open his mouth T.J decked him. After that everyone swarmed the two of them because Kendrick got back up and they started brawling it took Swann, Cedric and I too hold T.J back but that didn't stop Brian because he got free from his and hold started to repeatedly punch T.J they went back and forth for a while until Paul came out and said "Whats going on!?" That made both of them stop in there tracks and then Brian ran away and that's when Paul called both T.J and I into his office and once we walked in he shut the door and said "Why does Brian keep attacking you?" T.J shrugged and I just stood there silently saying nothing until Paul looked at me and said "Now Mr.Dar what got you involved?" I told him that I didn't want to get involved but when Brian attacked TJ I had to pull him away. But then Brian attacked him again I needed to get him away from TJ so I decided to throw a few punches myself to shut him up, then Paul looked at me and said "Okay well let's get something straight that won't happen again ok? When fights brake out it is bad press for the company so keep it too a minimum got it?" TJ and I both shook our heads and then decided to car pool back to the hotel and then play some video games while I ice my hand and he ices his face. But once we got to the hotel we found something so unsettling I don't think either of us will be able to stop seeing it for awhile.

Hey Guys another A/N,
What do you think Noam and TJ saw and please let me know what you think. Thanks Guys!

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