seventeen .

4 0 0

Long chapter because it's been a long time since a good update  . This chapter is dedicated to Tymeshia Johnson  .


Keisha  .

"Ya baby he's out for the day with that brat ass daughter of his and that bitch.  "  Keisha spoke into the phone.

Keisha was on the phone with her nigga Ace  , Ace is planning on taking Kingston out  . As in literally killing him  . Ace never liked King because he was jealous of the things that King had and he didn't  .

" Did he show you where the safe was  ? "

" Yes I know where it is " she said thinking of a plan.  " Maybe you can get some of your police friends to search his car I can plant a gun and 200k of weed and cocaine  . "

Jayda  ....

" Yes I know where it is " I heard Keisha pause then say " Maybe you can get some of your police friends to search his car I can plant a gun and 200k of weed and cocaine  . "

Jayda knew that bitch was up to no good but she wasn't gonna say nothing though  . Jayda knew if King was in any trouble she knew who had something to do with it  . See Keisha thought that Jayda,  King and Bre were gone out for the day but Jayda actually stayed at home because she wasn't comfortable with being around King after what happened two nights ago  .

She knew it was right to fuck a nigga with a whole girlfriend and not a half of a girlfriend  . She was feeling bad about sleeping with him at first but when she heard Keisha's phone conversation she no longer felt sorry for the hoe  .

Sleeping with King made her feel like he would do what he's doing with her behind Keisha's back she think that if they were to ever get in a relationship she wold think he would do her how he doing Keisha  .

Keisha deserve to be treated the way she's being treated because she's a slime ass hoe  . Keisha was gonna get what's coming to her for being the bitch she is  .


After dosing off to sleep Jayda heard footsteps which caused her to get up cause she already knew it was her baby Bre  . She missed Bre little aggravating ass for those couple of hours  ..

"MOMMY,  MOMMY  ! " Bre screamed

" Hey boo boo,  did you miss me  ? " Jayda' cooed at Aubrey.

"Yes,  me and daddy went to the aquarium to see the fish,  we seen dory  and nemo in the fish tank  , we ate burgers,  now daddy tired.  " She explained fast  .

Interrupting them Keisha bad body ass walked in the room,  " Aubrey it's time for you to take a bath and go to bed it's getting late  . " She said trying to play step "mommy " .

" But Ke-" Before Aubrey could finish I said " I'll give her a bath and put her to bed in my room  . "

Keisha scoffed and said " Oh,  and when are you leaving  ? "

" When God gives me the say so that it's time for me to go,  he haven't said it was time for me to go yet so I'm still here  . What that  ? You need something  ? " Jayda said sarcastically.

Keisha was upset with her reply so she rolled her eyes and stomped out the room like she was Aubrey's age,  Aubrey does that when she don't get her way  .


After aubrey's bath she was off to sleep so she layer in the bed and decided to check her messages  . 2 messages from Sean and 15 missed calls  .

Sean ' I'll be there soon '
Sean ' Bitch you gonna wish you never left . '

She laughed at the messages and just layed there on instagram  , she decided to post the picture of Aubrey dressed for school this morning with her magma foams  , orange shirt, and ashed washed jeans  , With her hair in to pig tails with a orange bow in front of each one  .

She made a collage of her picture that she took and her caption on instagram said
' Mommy I wasn't ready yet  , oh now I'm ready 🍂💕👐  #sauce #preschool flow  '

Jayda got over 250 likes off her picture of Aubrey and she notice a comment from @TattedupAde'
' i see you playing house with my baby again , mommy will be to get you soon Aubrey . Oh and nice choice of and outfit for her  . 😏 '

Jayda already knew Ade' was being petty and she didn't have time to be petty with her so she clicked off the comments  . Ade' knew damn well she wasn't in the position to get Aubrey so it she tried to get her she wouldn't be able to get her  . Ade' is a pretty nice looking female but she is just too damn petty to be twenty-three years old  .  Like damn bitch grow the fuxk up  .

If you would ask aubrey anything about her mom she couldn't tell you a damn word  .

Interrupting her thoughts a message from King came through  ' is she sleep?  Because we gotta talk  . ' She sent back a simple yes and instantly got mad cause she didn't feel like dealing with him not tonight anyways. 


20 minute later  ............

" Talk to me Jay.  " King pleaded for the millionth time  .

" What king  ? What could you possibly want  ? " Jayda huffed getting loud

King reacted fast  , " Aye girl calm the fuck down man just forgive me for what ever I did to you even though I didn't do anything " He whisper yelled  .

" King leave just please leave. " She pleaded  .

With that King walked out of the room  , He felt like Jayda was making him beg for her.  And King was willing to do anything to get her to be his forever and he meant what he said  . He wasn't gonna stop for nothing in this small world  . Death couldnt even stop him from getting what he want , Call him crazy but he mean what he say when he say it  .


It's been a while  , somebody told me I was starting to lack on updating so I decided to update for y'all good people  . 

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