Hanataro Yamada x Reader

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Sorry for this not being very good but I tried.


Hanataro hid behind a tree watching her as she gently petted a stray cats head. Her gently smile captured his heart every time. Hanataro turned his back to the tree and leaned against it while letting out a sign. He looked at the flowers in his hands. He planned to give them to her but was having trouble getting the courage to do so. "Come on, Hanataro, you can do this." He whispered to himself. Clutching the flowers tightly and squeezing his eyes shut, he spun around the tree to approach her. Just as he made it to the other side of the tree he ran into someone. "Ow!" He stumbled back trying to keep his balance. A hand reached out and grabbed his, helping him keep his balance. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." He apologized, lifting his head to see the person who he had ran into. "(y/n)!" He shouted surprised. It was her. Right in front of him. What should he do. "It's ok, Hana. No need to apologize." She smiled gently at the panicking Hanataro. That smile shot his heart making his mind go blank. "Hm?" (y/n) looked at the flowers in his hand. "Those are pretty flowers. What are they for?" Her gently eyes looked back up into Hanataro's. "Uh... Well..... um..... their...... for....." He stuttered out. She just looked at him curiously, waiting for his answer. "Y-y-y" He stuttered trying to answer. He pushed the flowers in her face with his head down. (Y/n) took the flowers and Hanataro ran off. She stared at his retreating form then looked down at the flowers. A small smile formed as she giggled. She ran in the direction Hanataro went. Hanataro sat down. His back the another tree. "I'm such and idiot." He said, hanging his head. "I ruined my chance." He pulled his knees to his chest and burred his face in his arms crossed over his knees. He sat there for a while till he felt a tap on his shoulder. Lifting his head and turning to see who tapped his shoulder he was surprised by soft lips pecking his cheek. His eyes widened to see (y/n) smiling at him with pink dusting her cheeks. "I love the flowers." She walked away while staring at the flowers in her hand. Hanataro watched her walk away pink cheeks before smiling. "She liked the flowers! I'm not an idiot!" He got up and ran after her. 

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