Ichigo x Tsundere Reader

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I hope everyone likes this one. I tried to make the reader a tsundere so I hope that worked out.


A big test is coming up and I really need to study. I asked my friends and they were all busy, didn't need to study, or were studying with someone else. I had only one option left since everyone else left were idiots. But why did my last option have to be him? Ichigo. He may make good grades. but he's still stupid. He irritates me more than anyone else. He is always getting into fights and he is handsome. Wait no! No, he's not he's stupid! What am I saying. He's stupid, stupid, stupid! But I need someone to study with. This is so frustrating.

School just ended so now is the perfect time to ask. I run up to Ichigo as he leaves the school. "H-Hey!" I say getting his attention. He stops and looks at me. "Oh, hey (y/n)." Ugh. Him and that stupid face, making my heart race. I look away and ask. "I need someone to study with a-and since you're not as stupid as you look I thought w-we could study together." He looks a little annoyed at first but sighs. "I can help you study. but don't call me stupid." "I didn't call you stupid." I say back. "Yes. you did." He snaps back. "No, I said you look stupid." I also snapped. "That's the same thing!." "No it's not!." We glare at each other for a bit. "Ugh. Whatever. Do you want to study at your house or mine." I ask looking away. I feel my face heating up. Oh no! I just gave him the option to go to my house. This is so embarrassing. Ichigo thinks for a moment. "Your house would be better." Again my heart is racing. Why does he have to do this to me? "O-Okay, be at my house at um, 5 tonight." "Okay. See you then." He says. then turns and leaves.

This is bad. My parents aren't home tonight so it's just going to be me and Ichigo. What am I going to do! Why am I so embarrassed anyway? It's not a big deal. This is why I hate him. He makes me so embarrassed. I shouldn't be embarrassed, it's just studying. Just us studying. Like a study date. Study date? No, no, no. What am I thinking? But what if he thinks it's a date? I should dress nice in case. But it's not a date so I don't need to.

I ended up dressing nice anyway. Great, now he will think it is a date. Though that might not be so bad.

When the doorbell rang, I went and answered it and let Ichigo in. When Ichigo stepped in he stopped and was staring at me. "What are you staring at!" I snapped as a blush crept onto my face. "You look." He said looking away. "Nice." My face feels like it's on fire and I shout. "Idiot!." "You're supposed to say thank you!" He shouts back. After a bit of glaring we both look away. "Let's just get to studying." I say and lead him to the table.

After a few hours of awkward studying Ichigo gets ready to leave. As he walks a few steps from the door after saying bye, he stops and turns back to me. "Hey, was this... supposed to be a date?" Ichigo asks. My heart starts to pound and my face flushes. "Idiot!" I shout and slam the door shut. A few seconds later I crack the door open a little and peak out. "It was a date." I mumble. Right before I get the door close all the way it gets shoved open. I step back, letting out a squeak in surprise. Before I even know what's going on I feel something against my lips. I blink a few times when Ichigo pulls away. He just kissed me! "I-Idiot!" I yell and punch Ichigo. "What the hell was that for!" He yells. "You said it was a date so I thought it would be okay!" "It was a date!" I shouted back. "Then Why did you punch me. You didn't have to punch me if you didn't like the kiss!" I look away. "I didn't mind the k-kiss." An awkward silence falls between us. Ichigo breaks the silence. "Don't punch me this time but, um." He blushes and looks away. "Would you be my girlfriend?" My heart is pounding so hard I can hear it in my ears. I shove Ichigo out the door and Yell "Yes! You Idiot!" and slam the door shut.

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