Kisuke Urahara x Reader Oops

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I wrote this one a while back but I keep going back and forth from liking it and thinking I should rewrite it. I'm finally posting it since I can't figure out what changes to make to it. Well, hope everyone likes it anyway.


It was a really hot day and you were enjoying a popsicle. Well trying to. It was melting fast because of the heat. You keep licking the melting popsicle off your hand and what was dripping down the popcicle itself. Kisuke was watching you holding his fan in front of his face. Unknown to you, the way you were licking the melting popsicle, you were turning him on. You looked over at Kisuke. "What?" You questioned his staring. "Nothing." Kisuke said, still stareing. Continuing to lick your popsicle, you watched him from the corner of your eye, wondering why he was staring so much.

When you finished the popsicle you continued to lick your hand to get what had dripped onto it. Kisuke snapped his fan close suddenly, making you jump a little. "That's it. I can't just sit here while you're licking your hand like that." Kisuke said, getting up and pulling you up into his arms before you could even react. "Wha-!" You started, but were stopped by a pair of lips being smashed against yours. You melted into the kiss. His tongue slide across you bottom lip asking for entrance, which you gladly allowed. He was driving you crazy. The way his hands gently slid up and down your sides. His tongue swirled around your mouth. All thought was gone. He pushed against you, pushing you back a little.

You stepped back, bumping into something that made you lose balance, and the both of you went toppling to the floor. "Oww." You wined a little. Kisuke held himself up with both his arm beside your head. The two of you just stared at each other for a bit, then burst out laughing. When both of you stopped laughing, he leaned down and pecked your lips. "Oh hey, since I have the chance to ask why did you suddenly start kissing me?" You decided to ask. "The way you were licking your hand was turning me on and I couldn't hold back any longer." He said, kissing your now red cheek. "I-I, tha-" You tried to reply, but failed, causing Kisuke to laugh a little and gently kiss you again.

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