Chad (Sado Yasutora) x Reader Rescuer

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About halfway through the first Chad one I wrote I lost ideas for it then came up with an idea for this one so I wrote both of them. Either way I posted three in one day. Yay! So, hope everyone likes this one too.


It was night time. You were walking home from a friend's house when you heard a weird sound close behind you. You stopped walking and slowly turned around. You let out a scream at the sight of a giant monster staring down at you. You tried to turn and run away, but your legs were shaky and felt weak. Before you could get your legs to move more than an inch the monster grabbed you. The scream you tried to let out was a weak sound as the air got squeezed out of you. You squeez your eyes shut in pain. As you closed your eyes you caught a glimpse of a person. There was a loud sound and you began to fall. You hit the ground. Or so you thought. But you felt no more pain except for the fading pain from your body being squeezed. It didn't feel like you were laying on the ground. In fact, it felt like you were in someone's arms.

You slowly opened your eyes. Under your legs you saw what was an arm, but it looked different than a normal one. Your eyes trailed up the unusual arm and to the face of it's owner. A man stared down at you and quietly asked. "Are you okay?" You stared at him, unable to say anything or even think straight. When you finally found your voice you let a shaky yeah, that sounded more like a mouse squeak. "Can you walk?" The man asked. "I-I think so." You say quietly. Slowly the mysterious man sets you down. He barely lets go then your legs gave out beneath you. Your rescuer caught you and lifted you back into his arms. "I'll carry you home. Where do you live?" He asked. "R-right around the corner down from this road." You said.

While your mysterious rescuer carried you home, you began to ask. "W-who are you?" "Sado Yasutora." The man answered. You looked up at him and thought. 'He's kinda handsome actually.' "Thank you Sado." You said looking down. "For saving me." As you look down you notice his arm. The one that looked odd now looks normal. You thought about asking, but you could still only barely talk. Sado carried you home and set you down at your door. This time you legs regained enough strength to support you. You thanked him again and opened your door. You took only one step and turned around and watched as Sado left. You felt sad to see him go. He gave you such a feeling of security. You felt so safe in his arms that you really didn't want him to go, but you had no way to ask him to stay since you only just met.  

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