Sosuke Aizen x Reader Sad Ending

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This is the second version to the first one.


Aizen and you had been dating for quite some time. So the news you received from your captain that day was devastating. Aizen had been found dead. Since you were told the news you haven't left your room. All you could do was lay in bed silently or cry. Your heart entirely belonged to Aizen and with him dead you felt as if your heart was too. All was hopeless and lost. Then you hear about his betrayal. You couldn't believe it so, you rushed to him. You felt so much uncertainty. What he was being accused of didn't sound like the Aizen you know. What if it really is him. Should you be happy he's alive or mad because of the betrayal. You had to see him. See for yourself if it was true.

You made it to Sokyoku Hill in time to see Aizen caught by Yoruichi and Soifon. The rest of the captains and lieutenants are surrounding him. Shuhei has caught Tosen and Rangiku has caught Gin. You rush to Aizen. Several yell at you to stay back, but you ignore them. Aizen and you lock eyes. "I-It's true." You say still not wanting to believe it. "Get away (y/n)." Yoruichi tells you. "I'm glad you're here, (y/n)." Aizen says. "Will you join me?" He asks while smiling at you. "Shut up, Aizen! (y/n) get out of here!" Yoruichi shouts. "G-Go with y-you." You say. If you go with him, then you will be a traitor too. But, if you don't then the man you love will be your enemy. You though your heart couldn't break anymore than it already has but you were wrong. Very wrong. Happy he is alove and angry from his betral. Your heart has been torn again. Losing him is the last thing you want but you feel you already lost him. The Aizen before you is not longer the man you love. As much as it pains you to say it, you tell him your answer. "I can't go with you." Tears pour from your eyes. You turn you back to him, unable to look at him any longer.

"It's over, Aizen." Yoruichi says. He lets out a small laugh. She Glares at him. "What's so funny?" "I'm sorry to do this but, the time has come." He says smiling. "Soifon, get Away from him!" She yells to Soifon. The two jump away and you feel yourself bulled back. A beam of light suround you and Aizen who is holding onto you. The sky opens up and menos grande come out. Two more beams of light sround Gin and Tosen. Then the ground beneth them breaks apart creating platforms that lift the three. You strugle to break free from Aizen but to no avail. Aizen hits you in the back of the head knocking you out.

Slowly, you open your eyes and blink a few times. You sit up feeling a small pain in the back of your head. You look around and find you are in a large room, sitting on a bed. The door to the room you're in opens and Aizen walks in. "(y/n)" He says, smiling at you. He seems different. More different than his lack of glasses and hairstyle change. Even his smile is different. Whenever he smiled before you felt warm and happy. Now, his smile makes a chill run down your spine. "Where are we? Why have you brought me here?" You ask feeling fear rise within you. "This is Hueco Mundo and why have I brought you here?" He walks over to you and stands beside the bed. He reaches out and grabs your chin and lifts it. "Isn't it obvious. I love you and want you to stay by my side." You pull your head away from him and look to the side down at the bed. "I don't love you anymore, so let me go." You say. He chuckles a little and begins walking back towards the door. "You still do. I know you do." When he opens the door, he stops, turns, and looks back at you. You lift your eyes to meet his for a few seconds then look away. With a smile on his face, Aizen turns and leaves. Alone in the big room, you curl into a ball and cry.

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