Grimmjow x Reader

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Sorry it's short and bad. I thought I was gonna have a hard time but I kinda had fun writing this one.


Grimmjow lunged at you and you swiftly dodged to the side and moved behind him. He spun around and was met with your foot kicking his stomach, sending him flying back into a wall. He lifted his head and jerked back to finding your face close to his. You peered at him for a bit and said "You're kinda cute." Grimmjow slashed at you. You jumped back barely dodging his attack. With wide eyes you said. "Woo! That was close." Grimmjow glared and rushed in for another attack. You continued to dodge his attacks. "So cutie, what's your name?" you asked as your swords clashed. "Fight seriously and don't call me cute!" He snarled. Pushing you back and making you leap back. "Well, nice to meet you 'fight seriously' I'm (y/n)." Grimmjow growled and slashed at you again. He continued to attack back-to-back, giving you no time to play around as you parried and dodged his attacks. You let out a chuckle and smiled at his anger which only angered him further. "If you don't fight seriously I'll kill you!" He snarled out. "Aw, but I'm having fun. Aren't you?" You teased dropping your guard a little not realizing you had backed into a wall until it hit your back. Grimmjow stopped his attacks and stabbed his sword into the wall beside your head. You let out a squeak at the closeness of the blade. He brought his face close to yours. "Told you should fight seriously." He said. You just smiled and pecked a kiss to his nose. While, he froze out of surprise, you slipped away. He spun around with a glare on his face and were your eyes playing a trick on you. You thought you saw a slight pink tint on his cheeks. You parried his attack and let out a giggle. Your fight was then interrupted by a dark haired Arrancar calling out to Grimmjow that they were leaving. Grimmjow let out a growl. "I'll kill you next time." You just smiled and happily said. "I'll look forward to it." He clicked his tongue and turned away. "My names Grimmjow." He said before reluctantly leaving.

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