Chad (Sado Yasutora) x Reader

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Chad is your best friend. You two are always together, hanging out, walking to and from school, eating lunch. You're together so much that everyone thinks you're dating. Not that you mind them thinking that. For quite a while now you have had feeling for Chad but you aren't sure if he feels the same way. If he doesn't you don't want to make things awkward between you two by telling him how you feel. Silent but with a few hints here and there is how you decided to go about it. But his not very emotionally expressive personality makes reading his feelings quite difficult. Despite that you feel you have been becoming closer and closer to him and it has given you hope that soon you two will be more than friends.

Before school starts, you and Chad are in the classroom, talking to everyone when Keigo asks if you two are dating. When you deny it Mizuiro decids to chime in adding that you two are always together and act like you're dating. It was a conversation you have had before with various people, but you were glad the subject was getting brought up again. You always hope that when others bring up the subject of you two dating it would make Chad think about it. Though, if he did, he didn't show it. Even so, the past few times this had happened were a little different. Usually when asked if you're dating Chad would shake his head or tell them no like you do. Recently He hasn't been denying it. Now, it could just be that he is leaving it up to you or doesn't feel like going through the whole telling them otherwise thing, but this change had made you hopeful.

While walking home from school, you thought it would be a good time to drop a few more hints. Maybe some big hints this time. Maybe bring up the dating topic while it's just the two of you. "So." You started not sure how to bring the topic up. "Again we were asked if we are dating." You waited for a reply, but Chad gave none so you continued. "Does it bother you that they think that?" You asked. Chad shook his head. It doesn't bother him, that's good. This could be your chance. "Sooo." You ask awkwardly. "Would you not mind if we were dating?" Chad stopped walking. You wanted to smack yourself for how straight forward that was. What if it was pushing too far. You should have been more subtle. All your mental berating distracted you from noticing Chad in front of you. You were brought back to reality when his lips met yours. He pulled away and said nothing as he took your hand and began walking again. Your face felt like it was on fire. Embarrassment and happiness both filled you making you unable to say anything so you just continued to walk home together in silence.

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