Grimmjow x Reader Part 2

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Since people seemed to want more of this one since the last one was so short I decided to write a part two. I hope everyone will like it. ____________________________________________________________  

"It's the cute kitty from before." you say with a big smile as you dodge his attack. "What, no hello or is attacking how you say hello?" He glares at you while swinging another attack at you. "Guess that's just how you say hello." You dodge to the side and round house kick his back sending him flying into a building. He quickly gets up and rushes back at you. You side step out of the way of his attack and punch stomach. Once again, he is sent flying into a building, but this time you chased after. Before he had a chance to get up you point your sword at his throat. You stand there for a little while staring at him with the tip of your sword against his neck. "Aren't you going to kill me?" He asks. Then you grin and say. "Nah, you're too cute to kill." Right after you lower your sword he swings at you. Jumping back you puff your cheeks and pout. "Aw, and here I thought we could do something other than fight." "Something other than fight? I only came back to finish our fight." Grimmjow says while going in for another attack. As you casually parry his attacks you say. "Well, since you're so cute, I was hoping for a date." "A date?" He says suprised. "Why would I go on a date with you?!" You dodge to the side and pump his hip with your's. You say with a smirk. "Maybe because I'm cute too. So what do you say?" He growls and attacks again. You pout as you dodge. "Aw, so all you really want to do if fight." Then you smirk as you get an idea. "Ok. Fine. We can just have a fight date." Grimmjow looks confused then glares. "A fight can't be a date." You parry his attack and begin pushing him back. With your face close to his you say. "I'm sure we could turn this into a date." You give him a quick kiss on the nose. He is surprised for a second, then growls and shoves you back. You jump away "Stop kissing my nose!" He shouts. "Aw, but why can't I kiss my date?" He rushed towards you and attacks. his attacks are faster then before giving you no time to do anything but focus on parrying and dodging his attacks. Before long you are backed into a wall. He pins you to the wall and roughly kisses you. The sudden actions stuns you. He steps away and looks to the side. "If you're going to kiss me then do it right." Silence falls between you two as you blankly stare at him with your mouth slightly open. Grimmjow gets annoyed by the silence so he snarls and shouts at you. "Hey! You're the one who wanted this to be a date and keep giving me those pathetic nose kisses so wipe that stupid look off your face!" This snaps you back into reality. Blush spreads over your cheeks. "I didn't expect he would do that." You mumble to yourself and look away. "Tch." He turns around and starts to walk away. "Huh? Hey! Where are you going!" You shout. He stops and turns a little and says. "I'm leaving." "Why" You ask. He turns fully towards you, but doesn't look at you. "You said this was a fight date and I don't think you're up to fighting anymore." You walk up to him and say. "We could have a normal date."He looks at you seeing you smile. "Tch." He turns away. "Fine." Then he starts to leave. "Also it sounds more like you're the one who doesn't want to fight anymore!" you shout after him. He turns back a little and growls before leaving.

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