Chapter 5: Queen's Council

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"WHAT?! ARE YOU INSANE?" Queen - sorry, Lady Sansa screamed at me.
I sat still in my throne.
"You are insane!" Lord Josef agreed with her.
"Are you even the real True Heir?" Lady Janet growled at me.
I raised my eyebrows at that one but said nothing.
"You are a fraud!" Lord Carlton shouted me and boy, was he furious. "The True Heir is still out there begging to be found because there sits an imposter in their throne."
This is exactly what I expected from them all. For all of them to be furious with me I sat there and let them argue it out themselves.
Lord Greyson was the only one who sat there. Slowly he leant forward to his daughter to speak, so I used air to carry their voices to me.
"Did you know Chamania?" He asked her.
"No father." She replied casting her eyes down.
He looked to me and I casted my eyes elsewhere so he did not think I was listening to their conversation. "So she has not been in conference with anyone else but herself. The Queen has been keeping this to herself."
"Yes father." She whispered.
The rest of the Nobles continued to argue. Their voices rising and now screaming to one another rather than to me. I sat bored and growing impatient with them all.
At my feet Estelle and George sat, just as bored as myself.
"Do you suppose if I slip away they would even notice?" I asked them.
"No. But you should say something." George answered.
I sighed, he was right. Slowly I stood to my feet and made no mark on them. I raised my hand and used air to shatter one of the glass windows. This caught their attention. They all gasped at me.
"You are insane child!" Lady Sansa shouted at me continuing to stare at the glass windows.
Ignoring her I smoothed out my gown. "Now, may we be civilised? Hm?" I smiled to them all and sat back on the throne. "My Lords and Ladies you will be keeping your titles and your lands but you will not be in conference with me. I will choose my own council. It will be made of two of every creature in the land. Two Pangaeans. Two dwarves." I smiled to Estelle and George who returned the smiles brightly. "Two werewolves. Two witches. Two vampires. Two mermaids. Two fairies. Wether they be seelie," I looked at all the nobles in the eyes. "or unseelie."
Lady Janet gasped. "The unseelie on your council?"
I nodded. "If they have the best interest of the kingdom, they will be on my council."
Lord Josef shook his head. "You will be the destruction of this Kingdom."
I narrowed my eyes at him. "How dare you!?" I growled at her. "You dare say something so rude to your Queen?"
Lord Josef's widened. He looked like he feared me in that moment.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "You will depart the palace and return to your estates before I return to Equites Academy. The young Masters will return to Equites Academy for Pangaeans from the palace with myself."
Lady Sansa shook her head. "You are impossible. Ridding the kingdom of the Elite! Ridiculous."
I smiled kindly at her. "No, not ridiculous. I will still have an Elite. But they will be renamed. From the Elite Circle of Royals. To the Queen's Council. Which will change with every monarch. Along with its members."
I looked to Chamania and smiled at her. "My first council member, will be Lady Chamania."
She grinned from ear to ear. "For being my first true friend in the Elite. Step forward my council member."
Slowly I got up as I smiled at her. She came and stood right in front of me. Her eyes glowing as I took hold of her hands in mine. "Are you sure?"
I nodded. "Absolutely, there is no one I'd rather have by my side."
She leant forward and whispered so no one else would hear. "What about Tristan?"
I shook my head and my head. "Not now. This is your moment. Welcome to the Queen's Council Lady Chamania."
Estelle and George returned with a brooch. The brooches I had made without them knowing what for. I bent down and grabbed a brooch from the pillow they were carrying.
"Wear this brooch as a symbol of your commitment to the Queen's Council. It is a symbol of your love and dedication to the Kingdom of Pangaea. Your loyalty to me," I smiled at her. "and to the crown."
I pinned the brooch on her gown.
The brooch was the same pictures the shield King Robin had made for Queen Nahaya. It was beautiful and I was pleased that Lancelot allowed me to borrow it.
"My first Council member." I smiled at her. "It is only fitting."
She grinned. "Thank you, your grace." She curtsied all the way to the ground for me.
I smiled. "A celebration is in order!" I announced. "For us both. To Chamania for being my first council member. Estelle please organise for in three days time."
She nodded. "Yes your grace."
"Thank you." I mouthed to her and she smiled brightly. "And George, be sure the palace is ready for guests."
He nodded. "Yes your grace."
I smiled at him and nodded. Then to the other Nobles I smiled. "Thank you all for coming tonight. It has been an honour working with you all for the past two years. But now, it is time for the new generation and new order to begin."
I smiled to them all kindly as possible. Most of them were hating me at the moment. The anger in their eyes. But someone like Lord Greyson smiled at me, knowingly. I would have to speak to him.
Whilst someone like Tristan stared at me with no emotions running through his face. He must still be furious with me for not telling him of William and myself. It was my fault for wanting to surprise him when I got back. But it only made him hate me.
But I shook that off, I needed to shake that off. I had more important things to deal with such as finding new council members. I snapped around the room and watching all the faces watch me intensely.
"This, will be the beginning of Queen Gwendolyn, the True Heir."

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