Chapter 1

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It's cold this morning. I pull the scrap blanket over my naked body a bit to keep me warm, but I know it won't work. I sigh in defeat while moving my fire red hair out of my face.

I close my eyes and think of my life that I have lost, I wonder if he is alive and well. I miss him. I miss playing in the barley fields and climbing trees, and I miss him reading to me. I could get lost in his eyes the boy who I fell in love with. The one who i spent my whole childhood with, he knew my secrets and my fantasy's he was also the boy i lost my virginity to.

My heart hurts. Does he know where I am or if I am even alive? Did he know when he left men came looking for him destroyed our village killing our people, I know my parents are both gone. They were brutally murdered in front of me before I was taken to this hellhole I was 16 years old then. I can still hear the screams of my people in my small village. I could still smell the burning buildings, the men murdering my people, and taking all of the young girls whilst they murdered their families, including my mother and father and my baby brother. I couldn't even say goodbye as I was dragged into a truck.

I pull my knees up and stare out of the tiny cell window, silent tears flowing down my cheeks whilst watching the sun come up.

Some time later, my cell door swings open and Vlad came strutting in the room. He is about six feet to my four feet height. He has black, greasy hair and a huge potbelly that pokes out from under his clothes. He has a sneer on his face as he moves towards me. I shuffle back on my bed.

"Теперь маленькая девочка, вы не хотите, чтобы сделать это сейчас встать мы двигаемся вам сегодня вам мой счастливица было продано." ( little girl, you don't want to do that. Now get up we are moving you today. You my lucky girl have been sold.)

I bite back a whimper. Sold? No, I can't be. I lie still, frozen on the bed. Vlad comes closer and pulls out a needle, plunging it in my arm. I see him smirk. "к тому времени, когда вы проснетесь вы будете на самолете к вашему новому хозяину." (By the time you wake up, you'll be on a plane to your new master."

I could feel the darkness taking me and I welcomed it.

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