Chapter 1 - Unknown Father

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"Hey, there was a letter in the mail for you." Matt turned around to see his wife, Stephanie holding a letter. She handed it to him with a smile. Upon reading the letter, he ran his fingers through his hair, sighing.

"Something wrong?" Asked his wife. Matt held it up. Their rent was late. Very late.

"Maybe you should ask for a raise at work." Matt looked at her, with a face that said, Really?

"Right. Never mind. So what should we do?" She asked.

"I'll figure it out." He said.

"Alright. But... please don't get a second job." She bit her lip while saying that.

"What? Why not?" He asked.

"The kids never see you anymore. You spend all your time at work. Libby forgot who you were three weeks ago, Jake barley knows you, and Peyton is already getting rebellious." She explained.

"He's a kid. Of course he's rebellious."

"Matthew, Peyton's only seven." He bit his lip. "Do you even know how old Libby is?" She asked.

"Uh, she's five... right?"

"Wrong. She's six. Close. What about Jake?" She crossed her arms.

"Six. I remember that."

"No, he's five. You got them mixed up again." She sighed. "Look. I'll get a second job, okay? Just please, spend time with your kids."

"I promise." He said with a smile. Stephanie smiled.

"Good." She checked the clock. "Oh, I need to take Jake to ballet. Can you take Libby to soccer?"

"Sure. No problem-" Stephanie put a finger to his lips, shushing him.

"And stay?"

"I promise! And, I'll remember to take what's-his-name too."

"Matthew!" Stephanie face palmed.

"I'm joking. It's Peyton." He gave her a quick peck on the cheek before running into the front hall.

"Peyton! Libby! Come on!" He yelled across the apartment. Libby was there in an instant.

"Daddy? You're taking me?" She cocked her head to the side, confused.

"I am this time- Peyton!" He interrupted himself, in a hurry.

Peyton came stomping from his room, hands in his pockets. "What do you want?" He huffed.

"To take Libby to soccer practice." He said with an almost smug smile.

Libby tugged on her father's coat. "Daddy, it's not practice. We have a game today."

"Oh. Well to take Libby to her soccer game." Matt corrected himself.

"Whatever." Peyton walked out the door, totally ignoring Matt.

"Come on, Daddy!" Libby yelled, running out. Stephanie came up behind him, holding Jake's hand.

"Good luck." She said.

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