Chapter 10 - The Perfect Specimen

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It was 10 weeks later that Matt finally came up from the basement. Libby was waiting just outside the basement door.

"Daddy!" She ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

"Hey sweetie." He said calmly.

"What were you doing down there so long?" She asked.

"I was..." Matt thought carefully.

What he had been doing down there was creating an animitronic capable of catching children alive. Matt wanted to experiment on the children he kidnapped, see how he himself could give life, like he saw The Puppet do.

"I was making a special surprise for your birthday. She's going to be one of Freddy's Friends!" He took her little hands and squeezed. Libby was so excited.

"Can you show me?!" She squealed. Matt was skeptical. Baby isn't even finished yet, let alone activated. There's no harm in showing her to Libby. He thought.

"Okay, but don't get too close. She's not done yet." Matt took Libby's hand and lead her into the basement where Baby was. Matt didn't know much about building the animitronics, but he had a few ideas on how to make his plan work.

The stomach area was hollow, big enough for a child to fit into. He also decided to add a few other features, to make Baby more appealing to children. He put a song databank into her head, so that she could take song requests. Inside Baby's chest was an empty spot for filling with ice cream, so that Baby could dispense it. Matt made sure that if the ice cream were to melt, which if he did his job right, it shouldn't, the liquid wouldn't damage Baby. Throughout the arms, there was an internal hose attachment, that connected to a built-in helium tank, for inflating balloons. All this made Baby much bigger than the regular animitronics, but it would be worth it.

To save materials, Matt had created the endoskeleton first, added the extra features, and then he covered the outside with colored face plates. He created Baby with blue eyes, in honor of his lost son. But no one had to know that part.

When he looked down at Libby, she seemed entranced again. But this time, she was even more hypnotized by Baby. She was totally entranced. 

"She's so pretty..." Libby said.

"And she's just for you. She's going to be at your birthday party. But for now, I'm going to have to ask you not to go near her." He said, leading Libby back upstairs.

"Daddy, why won't you let me play with her?" She asked.

"She's not ready yet, Sweetie. I promise, when she's done, you can see her again." Matt said. "Now, go play in your room."

Libby nodded and ran to her room, allowing Matt to go back downstairs and continue working on Baby. But Baby, while still capable of catching children, was just a front for the other ones he was working on. First, he had made an animitronic that he called Funtime Freddy. It was exactly the same as Freddy, but bigger. Plus, he gave it some special features specifically for catching children.

The second one was designed to look like Foxy, with Matt calling it Funtime Foxy. Once again, it was the same as Foxy, but bigger, and with added features.

After finishing Funtime Foxy, Matt realized that if he made all of them to look like the original animitronics, people would turn it down. So he created an original one, named Ballora. Her whole idea would be to encourage kids to dance and get fit. There was no way they would turn that down, especially the parents. Her chest area was much smaller than the others, but it could fit a very small child inside. He also added the special features for catching children.

He had already delivered the animitronics to investors, and they were even more excited for each one. He told them that the last one, Circus Baby, would be the perfect specimen. The perfect animitronic. That really got them revved up.

Baby was almost done. As soon as they finished, they could start renting out the new animitronics for private parties, something the investors came up with. All the better for Matt, more opportunities to catch. The animitronics were programmed to only catch children when there was only one person in the room, and that person had to be a child. No witnesses.

Matt was so excited to test out his theory. *I swear, if you guys start putting "A GAME THEORY" in the comments again...*  And the best part was, he had the perfect guinea pig. Luke, Nate's son. After almost an entire year, both Nate and Matt had pretty much forgotten about each other, but Nate was forced to stay in the back of Matt's mind, thanks to Luke killing his son.

It was perfect. Luke could help redeem himself by sacrificing his life to put Jake back together. Luke would pay, but it would be so worth it.

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