Chapter 9 - Murder

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The day after Stephanie left, that was when Matt finally started putting his plan into action. There was only one thing on his mind, revenge.

Matt called up the lawyers, and in a few days, he was the proud owner of Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria. However, he took a strage route with it. He hid the fact that he accepted the job from everyone. How would it look, anyway? The father of a boy who died there, owning the place. Makes sense on paper, but not so much in real life. He still kept up his routine as "Phone Guy," though. Eventually, that was the way everyone knew him.

Nate kept up his job as the night guard, still talking to "Phone Guy" every night. He and Matt had stopped talking entirley, and because Nate was so preoccupied with his son, paying the bills, and surviving animitronics every night, he let himself forget about Matt. The animitronics also heard of the child's death, as they felt sad at first, but then got distracted by something shiny and forgot entirely.

But this wasn't Matt's only new job. He also had a second job that he had to complete. His revenge. Something deep inside him had snapped, and all he wanted to do was kill those little murderers. Those little murderers who killed his son.

Three weeks after his first day as the new boss, he got to work. He used a Freddy suit in the back to lure the naive children away into the back. He went after the two kids that he didn't know first. Through the voice changer, he sang Freddy's song in Freddy's own voice to lure them into the back.

But once the children passed the curtain, Matt raised a kitchen knife on them, killing them brutally. The only other ones to kill would be Luke and Peyton, but Luke was under Nate's watchful eye, while Peyton was not only with Stephanie, but also his own son. He couldn't kill him.

Matt looked down at the bodies, and he couldn't help but smile. Justice has almost been done. He thought. Luke. Luke is the only one left. But how do I get him away from Nate?

Matt took off the Freddy head to get a closer look at the bodies. But then he noticed something. Standing in the corner, staring at him creepily, was The Puppet. It just stared at him, with dead, emotionless eyes. Like it knew what Matt did.

Matt was so distracted that he forgot about the groups outside. A man was coming down the hallway. "Hello? Someone there?" He called out. Matt ran out before the man could see him, and put up a "DANGER" sign on the curtain, so that no one would go in. Miraculously, it actually worked.

That night, when Nate wasn't on the night shift, Matt was dodging the cameras in an effort to get back and hide the bodies. But that was when he saw a strange sight. The Puppet was up and moving. It shoved a present over to one of the children's bodies, but it didn't move. Matt was confused, but in his state, he didn't want to anger The Puppet. But then an even stranger sight met his eyes. The Puppet picked up the child's body and shoved it feet first into an animitronic suit.

Well, at least the bodies are hidden. He thought. Matt went back to his secret room, ready to talk to the night guard. But halfway through the night, something strange happened. Two of the unused suits, the ones with the bodies inside, mysteriously reactivated. These two seemed much more angry, and got close to attacking the guard. The guard panicked and destroyed them by accident, but the thought haunted Matt for the rest of the week.

Until one week later, on a Sunday, when he finally put it together. "The animitronics were haunted." He said to himself at the kitchen table. "That Puppet... somehow it gave them life." And that's when Matt could see it clearly. "The animitronics."

"The animitronics are the key to putting Jake back together." Matt went down to the basement, where he often hid out, and slammed the door behind him.

Meanwhile, up in her room, Libby laid on the floor, listening to her Daddy talk to himself. He never talked to her anymore, anyway.

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