Chapter 14 - Loss Part 3

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After a few minutes of intense struggling, Nate came back down, holding the knife. Alright... I can do this.

Nate held the knife up, ready to bring it down, but he hesitated. He deserves to see what's going to happen to him. Nate got behind Matt and pulled the blindfold onto his head. Matt, eyes adjusting to the light, frantically looked around the room.

"Hello Matt." Nate said.

Matt looked up. "Nate? What is this? Why-"

Nate interrupted him. "I saw what you did. To Luke."

Matt's eyes went wide. Then he looked down. "He had to pay."

"Not with his life! You're a murderer!" Nate yelled. "And also... you never told me you were Phone Guy."

"Look, Nate, I'm sorry. But please, you don't understand. I have to get to Libby before-"

"Shut up! Shut Up! Shut up! You killed my son! Now I have to kill you!" Nate raised the knife above Matt's head. Matt's eyes went wide. He squeezed his eyes shut, preparing himself for the blow. But nothing came.

Nate fell to the ground and cried. "I can't do it." He cried. "I just want my son back." Matt had to take advantage of this. He kicked Nate in the face, making him fall over. But unfortunately, Matt also fell over, right onto Nate. His knee hit Nate in the head again. Matt got out of the ropes, climbing over Nate, and stomping on his face in the process.

Nate got up to chase after Matt, feeling a little dizzy, but he was able to grab onto Matt's shirt. Matt shoved him away, causing Nate to fall down the stairs. Matt looked down. Nate was unconscious. But that would have to wait. He had to save Libby.


Libby sat alone in the corner. She tried to avoid the other kids. She wanted to wait until her Daddy came back. The entire time, all she did was watch Baby. Throughout the party, she slowly inched closer to Baby.

"You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen..." She whispered to herself.

There was only one person in the room with her. A little boy, who was playing with her presents.
If he left, and Libby got that little bit closer, Baby would catch her.

Matt ran to Freddy's. Luckily, Nate lived close by, and he could see Freddy's in good time.

A woman walked into the room. "Kevin, come on. We have to go home." She said.

"But what about Libby?" He asked.

"She'll be fine. Besides, she's watching Baby." The woman looked to Libby. "Libby, your Daddy is coming to get you, right?"

"Uh huh..." She said, still entranced by Baby's singing.

The woman and her son left Libby alone with Baby.

Matt got to Freddy's, as he quickly made his way around the back door.

Libby looked around and smiled. "Daddy isn't watching." She smiled and stood up.

Matt ran down the hallway to the private party room.

"Don't tell Daddy that I'm here, I wanted to watch your show too! I don't know why he wouldn't let me come see you, you're wonderful!" Then she stepped just the tiniest bit closer, and it was like her hypnotism was lifted. She looked around. "Where did the other children go?" She asked. When she turned around, there was screaming.

Matt heard those screams. "LIBBY!" He screamed. He ran to the party room, only to see a bunch of children there, all excited.

"Where's Libby? What happened?" He asked frantically. 

One of the parents made her way over to Matt. "We heard a scream, so we ran back in. When we got here, Baby was dispensing ice cream! You've really outdone yourself, Mr. Patrick!" Then she paused. "Although... your daughter seems to have disappeared. Maybe your wife took her home?" She asked.

"My wife and I are divorced." Matt totally dismissed her and shut off Baby, quickly moving her offstage. Some of the kids cried, but Matt ignored that.

In the back room, he opened up Baby's stomach, and to his absolute horror, Libby was in the stomach. Crushed, just like Luke.

"No!" He cried. He pulled Libby out with slightly more ease than Luke, holding her lifeless body in his arms. He knelt down, crying. "Libby... please... I'm so sorry. Libby..." He held her in his arms, crying quietly. "Libby!" He cried. "I love you so much." He kissed her forehead.

Then he looked up at Baby. He had an idea. This wasn't about Jake anymore. This wasn't even about Libby. It was between him and Nate. Luke killed Jake, so Matt killed Luke, so Nate tried to kill Matt, but that killed his daughter. Nate would have to die. A life for a life. But Matt shut down those thoughts. Look what had happened the last time. He killed Luke, now Libby was dead. The only thing he could do was clean up his mistakes, live with the consequences. Give up on revenge. He didn't want to, but he had to.

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