Chapter 10 ~Vacation

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ATTENTION: GUYS NEW TRAILER CAME UP !!!  so when im done with this chapter go check that out. by the way i changed the whole polt and main idea of the other story im writing so go check it out an give me your opinion .I'll love you forever x

Chapter 10 ~

"The most important step of all is the first, start something "- I married my enemy

Cat's P.O.V 

I ran towards the door bell as fast as i could."CAT THATS NOT FAIR" shouted Niki and Lola from behind me. "Hey is not my fault you guys wear heels to a Lagoon". i yelled back, chuckling under my breath. I rang Ross's doorbell.

The door shot open revealing a blong guy with a leather jacket and white v- neck. "hey" he said. "stop it cheeky" i said poking Ross's stomach. We both walked back to car. "hey Ross" Lola waved, "hi" said Niki. i completely forgot they had never met. "oh my God yeah, umm this is Niki from London and uh this is Ross from LA " i smiled nervously. "they both said hi and hopped in the van.

On our ride to the lagoon it was all laugh and jokes, im glad everyone gets along now because is WAY funner. Me and Ross have been hanging out a lot and we decided to make this trip for a few days just to grow as friends and have fun . I seriously cant wait!

Ross's P.O.V

I looked at my side and there she was, Cat dancing to midnight memories that she insisted we had to listen. The way she bobbles her head and her hair fly's freely just makes me realize how beautiful she was. But she was My friend, nothing else. "take a picture already" she said giggling and i noticed i had been staring. Lola was driving so i had been telling her how to get there when Niki offered to stop at a restaurant for drink and we all agreed.

We got out and Cat needed support sense she had been sitting cress cross and her legs were weak, she held on to my shoulders and her body was so light , like a feather,  i could just pick her up. "NO ROSS OH MY " She shouted as i picked her up bridal style. We locked our eyes together and the stare became deep, like she was watching over my soul and that scared me. I leaned in and so did she."Guys what ar- HOLD THA PHONE!!!!" Screamed Niki and we both turned around. "ill forget i saw that, umm yeah Cat do you want a smoothie? " she nodded forcefully, i put her down and she patted my chest softly "some other time bad boy" she said and winked at me . i smiled at her cheekiness and i leaned in and plastered a kiss on her cheek and she looked down trying her best to hide the blood flowing to her cheeks, but i saw it. She turned and skipped towards Lola and Niki, this girl drives me crazy.

We finally got to the Lagoon where two small rooms were next to each other. "well.. me and Lola go on one and you to on the other" said Niki. I felt myself blushing. "why" asked Cat. "because, just dont do anything bad " winked Lola, we both were dying of embarrassment. I turned to look at her and found a pale blank stare into the forest. "its okay , there's a couch ill take it" i assured her to make her feel less awkward. She nodded and we both carried our stuff to our Room. 

Cat's P.O.V

I mean i have to be honest , i had never shared a room with a boy and i never thought it would be Ross. Night came fast and i was ready to go to sleep in my pajama shorts and Ariel t shirt. "you look like her." said Ross poking my stomach and Ariel's face on my shirt. i giggled. "Goodnight Rossie" i said expecting a weird answer. "Goodnight Ariel" he said imitating sebastian's accent. I chuckled and hopped on the bed.

It was 2 am and i couldnt sleep. I felt awkward and alone . Ross was there though , but i felt the need to have him closer. i stood up and there it was . His figure was so muscular and i've never noticed that before. He looked so innocent. I knelled down in front of him and caressed his cheek. "stand up Cat" he said in a husky sexy voice that i now loved. I did as he said and he stood up fast enough. He grabbed me my waist and picked me up. "Ross?" i asked kinda taken a back by his actions. "its okay" he said, but what is okay?! He laid me down on the bed and walked to the other side and laid down next to me.I turned and gave him my back so he didnt feel awkward. "no" he said and i felt a pair of arms grab me and pull me against his chest. I nuzzled up to him and soon enough we both were sound asleep.

I Woke up early the noise of laughter that came fom outside the cabin. I turned around and noticed Ross was gone. I changed into a bathing suit and put on some shorts and a shirt over it . (picture to the side) I opened the door and found Ross, Niki, and Lola laughing there arses off . "whats so funny ?" i aksed. "we made Ross laugh and juice came out from his nose" Explained Lola through laughs. "yep" said Ross cleaning his face."how did you two sleep?" asked Niki. "it was the best sleep i had in months" said Ross . i played with my pony tail ignoring the eyes that were on me. "how did YOU sleep?" asked Lola leaning in the 'you'. "it was good" i blushed. We all sat in a rock Ross whispered in my ear ,"can i show you something?" he asked. I nodded and stood up with him. "where ya going?" asked Niki."some where" winked Ross. 'no where' i mouthed. "they nodded and held thumbs up. "dont have sex" Shouted Niki. "FUCK YOU" i screamed and chuckled. Ross turned around surprised. "Hey just cause im sweet dont mean i dont curse" He smiled and nodded. We walked into this little tree house at the top of a big tree and he said "we are here" he started to climb and i guess i had to so i did to. "what is this " i asked sitting down in a corner of the tree House. " a tree house" he said , note the sarcasm. "tell me something i don't know Ross." i said "my dad build it and me and my brothers and sister used to come and make songs during the summer." he explained. "will you sing me one?" i asked. He turned around and looked into my eyes. "seriously?" i nodded. He got closer to me and started singing . 

" i dont want to be famous, I dont want to be if i cant be with you.Everything i eat is tasteless, everything i see dont compare to you.Paris Monaco and Vegas.I'd rather stay with you, if i had to choose, baby you're the greatest. that i could ever think to lose, and i just want to be with you. I just cant get enough, Baby i'd give it all up , give it all up if i cant be with you. No Oscar no Grammy, no mansion in Miami. The sun dont shy the sky aint blue if i cant be with you. "

I stayed still. I was left in awe, because he sang the lyrics with so much emotion like if he was trying to tell me something . We both leaned in and our lips crashed. It was a sweet slow kiss full of power yet sensitive. Somehow he managed to put me on top of him and there we were making out in his innocent tree house. We gasped for air and i rested my head on his chest. "cat" i hummed to assure him i was listening. "I dont want to be anywhere if i cant be with you" his words sank in on my very skin. I Didnt want to get hurt , but i liked Ross and i wasnt going to play hard to get anymore. I wanted him to be mine ad i wanted to be his. "Cat please answer" he begged resting his chin on the top of my head . I almost forgot i still hadn't answered. I turned around to face his beautiful green hazel eyes. "Me too" i said loud and clearly for him to hear . He gave me a sincere smile and i pecked his lips. 

AN : DID YOU LIKE IT???? I made it long especially for you . NEW TRAILER IS UP GUYS !!!! SO WATCH  IT >>> 

I Love you guys so much ill update at 5 votes. and MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL. OH ALMOST FORGOT. happy birthday louis !!!! 22 already :( "fuck that ha" 

I Married My Enemy~ Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now