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"So what time you need me for again?"

"Half eleven would be fine."

"Aight man, and sorry again for all the back and forth."

"Its cool bruh. I know she prepping for her big day, I'm lucky I got ya personal number."

"For real."

Ending my phone conversation with my boy Rodney, I exhaled. This was the fourth time for the morning I had to take calls pertaining to business that Keira was suppose to be handling.



Putting my attention to the bathroom door, I waited for Nita to speak again.

"Can you pass me two of my vitamin E capsules?"

Grabbing the bottle, I walked in the bathroom and gave it to her.

"I only asked for two." She looked at me.

"Yea but you're gonna use more than two so to save the back and forth, here's the bottle."

To say things was back to normal with us would be a lie. We've been clashing since all that shit four weeks ago, that's if we spoke much.

"Whatever." She took the bottle. "I'm not even going to argue."


Getting in the shower, I stood there for a moment, just letting the water fall. To think our son would be here in two weeks time was a bit nerve wrecking.

I been trying to get the most I could get in where it pertained to work because once he was here I don't want to have too much on my plate. The same went for Nita. Sarah was flying in to over see their spot.

"You going anywhere today?" I asked as I did my hygiene.

"I want to go into INC later to do my last checks before we go to our appointment."

"Ok." I nodded, pulling up my boxers.

"What about you?"

"I gotta go check on Kei, she been slipping up lately." I shook my head.

"Kevin give her some slack. She's had a lot on her plate over the past few weeks."

"I know Anita." I gave her my attention. "But we still have a business to run, which she plays a critical roll in."

About two weeks ago, Aug had a severe allergy reaction which brought on an anxiety attack. To top that off, it happened while YaYa was sick with the flu.

That was the first time, I've ever seen my sister scared out of her mind for Yung. No on knew what caused it and she was going in a tail spin to find out why it happened. She literally tossed every food in the house out.

"You need anything before I leave?"

Looking at her, she climbed into bed, grabbing the remote for our TV.

"I'm fine. If anything I'll call you."


Leaning in, we shared a small kiss before I left. As I made my way out to my jeep, I tried calling Kei but that shit fell through.

"Her ass better be in the hospital or some shit." I mumbled.

Pulling up at their place, both hers and Aug cars were parked in the driveway along with my niece's toy SUV.

"Really Keira." I shook my head and got out.

Walking up to the door, I rang the door bell for long.

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