Chapter 1 Jet Trent

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THANKS to Sasha at cockyhead for the revised book cover.

"We're back from the break.  This is Sloan Jensen speaking with caller number 42 from California.  Welcome to You've Got to be Kidding Me. What has some insensitive, non-committing, crazy man done this time?"

Sloan Jensen's smooth voice hit the airwaves and Web at the same time. Formerly it was just the Web.  She was thrilled that after seven years of podcasting one of the most popular shows on the Internet, the American Broadcasting Group had picked up her show and was syndicating it.  Millions tuned in to her show now; with ABG on board it would triple her audience.  That would mean more sponsors, and the cushy life she was already leading would only get cushier.  Her tagline—"What has some insensitive, non-committing, crazy man done this time?"—had sold thousands of T-shirts, coffee mugs and this year could be purchased on the covers of laptop carrying bags.  People around the world loved Sloan's weekly rants saving women from dastardly men. 

"You're on, caller number 42."

"I'm calling in because my parents are about to get a divorce after 36 years of marriage."

As soon as Sloan heard a male voice, she played the funeral dirge "Taps."  It was part of the show's style.  The eerie music slowly faded out.  "When my mom gave my dad the papers, he literally had a breakdown.  I thought I would be able to handle it if they ever split because marriage is just ... " The man kept talking about his situation.  Suddenly awareness dawned upon Sloan that she wasn't ready to handle.  She didn't want to believe that she recognized that voice.   Her pulse began to kick up.  This was the voice that had caused her to leave her hometown of Alpharetta—a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia—caused her to switch her college career from law to psychology and was the sole reason for the show.  Her heart was racing now.

"Jet?"  Though she didn't say it, floating in the back of her mind were the words "You've got to be kidding me."  She never would have expected this to happen.  Seven years, a ton of tissues, bottles of aspirin and totally uprooting herself from the home she loved to find sanity on a beach later, he had the insensitive audacity to call her on her live podcast.  "Of all the ... "

"Sloan, wait, please don't disconnect.  You're the only one who can help me."

"Well, ladies, I'd like to introduce you to the man who's responsible for the show."  She was doing her best to remain calm.  Yet her heart was thudding.  How was it possible that in that moment his deep baritone voice instantly connected her mind to the Jet she loved and not the one she hated?  He was the man who made her long for his touch. "You have him to thank for all the sound years of support I've been able to give.  We'll take a station break and be right back."

Sloan was exasperated when she clicked back over to Jet Trent.  It was amazing that even though he was miles away, his voice had her stomach tied and nauseated.  "Oh, my God, Jet, I'm in the middle of a live show."

"I had no other way of contacting you.  If I had called you, I know you would have hung up on me."

"Have you heard of Facebook, Twitter or a million other social formats?"

"None that you would answer."

He did have a really good point.  She sat leaning on her desk with her face in her hands.  "I can't believe that you called me.  After all these years I simply can't believe it.  What's going on with Nora and Robert?"

"It's bad.  Will you help me, Sloan?  I listen to your show.  I know you work miracles with relationships."

That really stunned Sloan.  All but my own, she snarled to herself.  She hadn't thought of Jet Trent since she moved to Destin, Florida—or at least tried very hard not to think about him.  He listens to my show.  This is way too weird.  "I've got to go, Jet.  I'm sorry to hear about Nora and Robert, but I'm not the one to help you with this."

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