Chapter 24 Beautiful

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Only You

Wanting You


For the Love of Patra

Treasure version 1 and 2


George's Queen

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And now for the final chapter of what my followers have called a beautiful, heart-warming story!!!! ENJOY!!!


Another encouraging word from Jet and Sloan Trent from Committed to You.

Jet: Change can be used in a positive way or a negative one.  We above all people should know that.  We wasted seven years of our lives in negative change.  I didn't know why I couldn't commit to Sloan during that time and instead of talking things through I pushed her away and moved to California.  Deep in my heart, I didn't want to do that but I had no power to face my issues.  Sloan was so hurt by what I did that she moved to Florida. Both of us spent years away from our family and though we were both torn we didn't know how to get past the hurt.

Sloan: It was very painful.  Imagine loving someone but you can't ever reach them and the wall between you is so tall that you can't climb over it.  But then when Nora and Robert declared that they were getting a divorce that change blew both of our minds.  We both rushed home to save them, and as a result, saved ourselves. I beat myself over the head thinking why did the change of Nora and Robert impending divorce make me move when the love of my life leaving me did not.

Jet: From that Sloan and I both learned that we had wasted opportunities in our lives to come together because we didn't use change wisely.  We ran from it, instead of embracing it. I've heard that in your world it's tough right now. You might be running from change by living in fear, being upset or bombarded by bad news.  Don't do what we did - instead, let this time of change be positive.

Sloan: Yeah, ask yourself what can I learn from this time of change?  Where can it lead me?  Embrace it knowing that your acceptance of where you are right now can bring you strength and serenity. We are praying for you.

Love Jet and Sloan Trent


The elegant five-tier strawberry cake had been cut and the garter had been tossed. Now Elise and Nora stood arm in arm on the edge of the massive dance floor. The room was flooded with candlelight, and one spotlight was beaming on Jet and Sloan as they took their first dance as husband and wife. The 500 guests circled the dance floor, giving warm looks as the two of them held each other tight in a very slow dance.

"Don't they look absolutely wonderful?" said Nora.

"I can't believe that we finally made it to this day," Elise smiled. "Lord knows this romance has been a long time coming. I'll probably sleep for the next five days, recovering from yesterday."

"I hear you. My heart couldn't take it if Sloan were not in the family. I am so ecstatic for them. To have Sloan and Renatta is more than any mother could dream of." She glanced across the room and smiled as she saw Renatta sitting on Justin's lap with her head on his shoulder and his hand across her stomach.

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