Chapter 17 Secrets Revealed

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"Don't give me a hard time about this, Jet. It is perfectly fine for you to come with me to pick a wedding dress," she smiled.

"No, it's not. The groom shouldn't even see the dress until the wedding day."

"I want to look good for you coming down the aisle."

"You'd look good in absolutely nothing," he said with a wickedly delicious grin.

She smirked and continued with her conversation. This was not going to be something that she would allow him to get out of. He was coming to the bridal boutique. That was that. "You're coming. I'll let you pick several gowns in the style that you like, and then I won't tell you which one I pick. That way it will still be a surprise."

"All right" he said, mussing her hair. "If I must go, I must go. Hope I will be able to take a store full of beaming brides. I've got the feeling I'm going to be allergic to all that lace, pearls and satin. We could be there for hours. You know how men are: We don't do well with shopping."

"You will have eyes for only me." Sloan tipped up and kissed him. When she stepped back, he drew her in again and kissed her like they were in a bedroom. His hazel eyes were thick with desire. "Four more weeks until I can liberate my passion."

"I'm counting," she whispered.

He raised his eyebrow and laughed. "This is going to be good."

"I'll say."

They heard the clink of suitcase wheels rolling down the hall. "What are you two laughing at?"

Sloan gave a sheepish grin. "Oh, nothing."

"Where are you going, Mom?"

"It's about time that I spent some quality time with your father. He hasn't quite acclimated to my Moroccan décor. So I'm spending the weekend with him."

They were happy for her. "So does that mean that you may be living together again soon?"

"I think that will be a safe assumption, Sloan. We're not rushing. Just taking things one day at a time."

"Good for you, Mom."


It was 2:00 in the morning. Jet was having another restless night, thinking about Alana. He so much regretted his moment of weakness. He didn't want to have thoughts of her clouding him now. I can't make her release me. The only thing he wanted his mind to be on was marriage to Sloan. She was the only one who would consume him. He sat up in the bed and saw the light on in Sloan's window. Why is she up? He reached across the bed and gathered his cell phone from the nightstand. He texted her.

Why are you awake, baby?

Thinking about you.

He smiled. Good thoughts, I hope. He was a little surprised when she didn't text back. He hoped he hadn't gotten her upset about something. Want to take a walk to the creek?

I can't tonight.


Because the reason that I'm up is because you were in my dreams—making me sweat. Everything was so real. I'm too hot and bothered. We have a vow to keep.

Oh, he texted, adding shock-faced emoticons. Jet was scorched by the images forming in his mind. His pulse kicked up. His body was throbbing. We'll just put our feet in the water.

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