Chapter 8 The Creek

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I do love Jet. Those words kept ricocheting in Jet's mind as he lay in his bed looking up at the darkness. It was 2:00 a.m. Though he'd listened to the entire show, those were the only words that mattered. They bounced from synapse to synapse, firing up his heart. I do love Jet. I do love Jet. He knew she'd be horrified if she knew that he'd been listening. Matter of fact, he'd been listening every day, just not saying anything. Listening was the only way he could figure out what was really going on in her head. Those four words rained down like silver and gold glitter, causing his heart to sparkle. Everything in him felt electrified, and he wanted her. The clock continued to tick, and at 3:00 a.m. he was no closer to sleep than he was the hour before.

He decided that he'd get up and sit at the desk in his room and watch some videos on YouTube. As he passed the window, he could see the air filled with fireflies. It was a beautiful sight. Tiny bursts of lime green flashed sporadically into the night. Just for a second he could see himself as a child with his lightsaber, while all the other kids in the neighborhood carried their fireflies in a jar. But then he saw a light from her window. Perhaps she'd gotten up to get a drink of water. He watched, waiting for the light to go back out, but it didn't. The creamy yellow glow of light didn't fade. He remembered all those nights when they were young and she would put that light on so that he'd know she was awake. That had always been his sign to sneak her out the window and for them to head for the creek.

He'd seen that light on before, since he'd been back in Georgia, but it had always gone back out. Fifteen minutes later it was still on. Obviously she was as troubled as he was, since the light was still on. All of a sudden he wasn't in control anymore. His heart was directing him off the chair into a pair of khaki shorts. It didn't lead him to put on a shirt or shoes, just grab his cell phone and go. Before he knew it, he was standing at her window on the side of the house. The exact spot he'd stood in times past. At that time there were no cell phones, and he shot pebbles at her window until she opened it. Tonight he sent a text. No sooner than the confirmation of the text being sent appeared, she was standing at the window looking like an angel.

Her riveting brown eyes latched on to his. From the expression on her face he knew she wanted to come out and play. There was a soft smile and a wave as if she'd been expecting him. Her curly black hair was unruly from tossing on her pillow. Her pink top was thin enough that her assets were clear, plump as large melons. She stepped back for a moment, pulling on a pair of shorts.

Then he heard the window unlock, and she climbed out like he'd seen her do so many times in his life, but this time her legs were finer, her body was more beautiful and he wasn't dealing with a girl. He steadied her as she climbed out. Her feet finally touched the ground, and she faced him, her eyes dark with want. He watched her eyes trail across his broad chest and solid abs. She moved a hand across his chest, feeling the soft black hair. He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek, and it sent a rush of heat clear to the soles of his feet. There was no need to communicate. They knew this moment in time. It was life in reverse. He grabbed her hand, and they went running barefoot to the creek.


Kenza's smile was like precious jewelry, dazzling to look at. She walked past all who were seated on the porch with a nod and then passed on into the house content. Fez said something in Arabic that Omar didn't wish to interpret. He simply said that was a parting gesture. Fez nodded at them all, shook Robert's hand, then walked off toward his home, which wasn't too far from where Rashid lived.

Nightfall was beautiful as the sun spewed the last glimmers of power. Purple ink as from a spilled well splotched across the sky. Robert watched the transition until millions of stars appeared like sparkling diamonds. Aya, Rashid, the boys and Omar said goodnight, leaving Robert to his quiet time. But tonight there would be no quiet time. Everything in him stirred.

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