Chapter 16 The Interruption

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Freedom! That's what Jet and Justin finally felt over the last few weeks. They were able to truly love their women without the cloud of the past over their lives. Dillon was being the perfect gentleman. It was as if he'd had a soul conversion. Nora and Elise had taken the girls under their wings and were planning the wedding and the baby shower at the same time. What those two mothers were putting together was something grand. Renatta and Sloan couldn't get enough of the attention. They willingly allowed themselves to be dragged from store to store, from one planner to the other and the constant sampling of everything from cakes to candies. The Jensens and the Trents were about to become one big, happy family. Who would have ever thought it?

Everything had gotten so furiously busy that Jet and Sloan had to take time to sneak away. Tonight it was a simple dinner under the stars on the lawn at Sloan's home. They waited until Dillon and Elise left the back porch to settle down for the night so that they'd have the whole space to themselves. Sloan had spread the blanket out and watched as Jet came from the back gate with bags from his favorite Chinese restaurant.

"Six more weeks until the happiest day of my life." Jet placed the bags on the blanket and began pulling their entrées out. Then he leaned over and kissed Sloan soundly on the mouth. "I'm so happy."

"Not happier than me. I can't get enough of thinking how wonderful it's going to be, now that we're finally getting married. It's just that ... " A tear drifted down her cheek.

"Hey, now, this is a happy time for us. No crying. We've had enough of that." He smiled, wiping it away.

"It's just that I realized that we could have missed this, had I not come home. I was trying hard not to come. Sometimes the hardest things to do bring the greatest blessing, if we can endure."

"I never thought I'd be saying this, but I am so glad that my parents were on the verge of divorce. God only knows how badly I wanted you in my life."

Sloan kissed him. Softly at first, and then things suddenly got deeper. It was the perfect place to make out. A canopy of trees surrounding them, starry skies above them and grass so soft that it welcomed lovers. For music, they had their crickets.

"We're not going to get around to dinner, are we?" Jet chuckled, twirling a tendril of her a hair as she lay on top of him.


They went as far as they could go without breaking that vow. As the wedding day was approaching, that cord of resistance was getting thinner and thinner. She became his sole focus. Sloan could barely keep herself from screaming from the pleasure he was inflicting upon her body. Her mind was swept away until Jet's cell phone rang. He slid it from his pocket and tossed it across the grass. But unfortunately the annoying ring continued. He knew the ring tone very well. What in the hell was Alana calling for now?

"I think you'd better get that. It must be important."

"It's not."

"They've called too many times. I think you should answer it."

"Shit," Jet mumbled. He walked to where the light was beaming and picked up the phone. "What is it?" he said gruffly and walked away to a private place.

"That's pretty rude."

"What do you expect, Alana? Why can't you get it through your head that what we had is over?"

"Is it so totally inconceivable for you to believe that I could win your heart? I love you, Jet. It hurts me that you've been gone this long. I was stupid for not recognizing it sooner. Don't pull away from me before giving us a chance. You owe me that after three years of my life, damn it."

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