Chapter 11 Love in a Cabin

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Nora and the Daring Divas had extended their trip for another day. When she called Sloan to find out when she and Jet were leaving, she was told that they planned to stay for the week. Nora was overjoyed. This was as close as her heart could ever believe that Sloan and Jet would be restored. The entire drive home she thought about them and a wedding and grandbabies. In Nora's mind three little darlings would be just perfect. Since Justin didn't give her a clue as to the woman he was dating, she couldn't be as happy for him, but she wanted to be happy and hoped that at some point he would satisfy her curiosity. The two-hour ride back to Alpharetta had been a great one with those thoughts in mind.

As she pulled into her driveway, she was surprised to find a parked locksmith's truck. There was someone sitting on the porch who had his head down. From the distance it looked like one of the boys. She was alarmed until she looked up and saw those Mediterranean blue eyes. She stepped off the motorcycle and froze. It was Robert and she couldn't believe her eyes. He looked great. Nora's eyes trailed over him: He now had a full beard, just like he did when they first met, he'd lost at least 20 pounds, the round stomach was gone, he had a new haircut and had obviously had it colored back to the rich chestnut brown that it had been years ago. Her mouth dropped open. "Robert."

He stepped off the porch and walked toward her. Nora was swooning. She could barely stand. And he's wearing jeans. Robert is wearing jeans? Robert Trent hadn't worn jeans in decades. He was always business casual; even when he wasn't at work, the least he would wear was a pair of khakis. This man looked as if he could be Justin and Jet's brother, not their father. The jeans were tight, the gray shirt he was wearing revealed a broad chest, and with the stomach gone he looked ten years younger. He looks sexy. What happened to my husband? She focused on every step that he made. Nora leaned back, gripping the handlebars on the bike to hold herself up. Her heart was pounding like a jackhammer.

Before she knew it, he was standing right in front of her. Their bodies were touching, and Nora found herself breaking into a sweat. She was only a few inches taller than him, but when his eyes bore into hers it made her feel as if he was ten feet taller. She felt her throat constrict, her breathing got heavy. "Robert, I didn't know you were back." He was so close, she could feel his soft breaths on her face.

"I didn't tell anyone I was coming back."

She looked down into his dark eyes, and surmised that she was a snack waiting to be devoured. Nora hadn't seen a look like that since they stood in front of a preacher at the altar. She moistened her lips that had gotten very parched. "And ... and ... why is there a locksmith at my house?"

"Our house," he corrected. "There is a locksmith at our house because you kicked me out and changed the locks. I intend to come back to our house ... in time."

He stepped an inch closer and locked his arms around her waist. She gasped. "I go halfway around the world for you, and you won't even answer my text messages."

"But I read them."

"Shut up. I have been going out of my mind over you. I ran in the scorching desert, you were my mirage. I would wake up in a cold sweat, wanting you near me, and you didn't give me the time of day, woman."

The locksmith smiled at the scene. He quietly slipped the set of keys into Robert's pocket. He was gone before they knew it.

"But ... but ... Robert ... "

He was hovering inches above her lips. "But I'm glad you tortured me. You sent me the message that if I want you back, I'm going to have to work my ass off. I deserve that. I have been ignoring you for years, not intentionally, but taking you for granted. I saw what you saw in Morocco, Nora. I'm going to give that to you. I am going to earn your respect and love back."

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