Chapter 7 Sleeping with the Enemy

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"Are you upset with me?"

Sloan texted back, "No."

"Then why haven't you been to see Nora in the last few days?"

"I needed to spend some time with Mom and Dad."

"You've seen them every day."

"Quality time." She lied. Dillon's words had placed a barricade around Sloan. Her father had never been wrong, or at least that was what she intended to believe right now. The more she thought about what he said, the more her heart withdrew. She'd convinced herself that her dad was right. Jet only wanted her back to lift his own guilt.

Dillon walked around the house, quite smug knowing that Sloan hadn't been out since that conversation. He purposely tried to be a diversion for Sloan, engaging her in board games they used to play when she was growing up. She was a sucker for Monopoly. He pulled out old DVDs, and they all sat around and watched the classics. Elise wasn't happy about it, but she decided that she'd said all she was going to say. Nora had called several times, but Sloan made excuses and wouldn't answer her calls.

Just then she heard a knock on her bedroom door and Renatta walked in. She texted Jet back.

"Renatta's here, I've got to go."

"Sloan, I need to see you."

"I've got to go." She pressed "Send" and powered down her cell phone.

Renatta's red curls fell softly on her brown sleeveless top. Paired up with blue jeans she looked like autumn splendor right in the middle of the summer heat. Renatta didn't care what time of year it was; she wore fall tones that made her look great all year round. She stretched out her arms and gave Sloan a hug. "Hi, sister. Sorry that I've been working so much, I haven't had the chance to stop by."

Sloan stepped back and gave Renatta a once-over. "Something is different from when I saw you at the diner."

Renatta shrank back, hoping that her concealer was still holding up. She had never had to use it to cover up anything before. She slipped into a chair at Sloan's old desk and positioned herself so that the side she didn't want Sloan to see was facing a corner.

"I don't know what it is, you just look syrupy happy."

Renatta blushed, "I am happy, Sloan. It feels good to feel great. I'm doing well at work. I'm not under any stress."

"Stop it, honey, it's that man. It's that damn man." She plopped on the bed and started laughing. "You might as well wash that concealer off. That shiny red apple he placed on your neck is bleeding through anyway."

"Sloan Renee Jensen, don't tease me. I've never had one of these before. I just remember what you used to do when Jet was around," she chuckled and climbed up on the bed and sat next to her sister.

"That's cute, Renatta, but it didn't work then either."

"How was I supposed to know that?"

The two stretched out and talked with each other while looking up at the ceiling. Sloan was so happy to be able to spend some time with Renatta. It grieved her to think of how much sisterly time she'd thrown away, all because things blew up between herself and Jet. Life couldn't go on that way. Somehow she'd find the strength to get herself together.

"You'd better not let Dad see it. He'll have a fit, like when he saw me ... " Sloan stopped cold.

"Saw you doing what?"

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