Chapter Nine

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A few days had past since the last full moon, and Amara had gone back to her normal attitude. Currently, she was rushing down the streets of Konoha, dodging vilagers and concession stands.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M LATE AGAIN!!" She cried, narrowly dodging another person.

"Hey, Amara?" She blinked, pauseing in her sprinting.

"Shikamaru?" The lazy Nara casually leaned against a cart, blinking at her.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" Amara scowled.

"I'm late to meet with my team. What about you?" Skikamaru yawned.

"Oh...We had the day off."

"Aw! Lucky! We haven't had a day off since we officially became Team 7!!" She whined, crossing her arms in a pout.

"That sucks. How late are you?" AMara sheepishly chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Um... Now I'm five hours late...hehe." Shikamaru sweatdropped.

"Go figures. And right when we believed you had finally started arriving to thing on time."

"I'm not late that often Shikamaru!" He smirked.

"Really? By my count, you arrived late to class every day of the school year except on the weeks we had exams. So, you were only ever on time for a total of three weeks."

"...Jerk." She muttered, pouting. Shikamaru's smirk only grew bigger, as he waved her off.

"Don't want to be anymore late than you already are, do you?" She flicked his forehead, before once again sprinting through the streets of Konoha.

"That girl...What a drag."



"Late. Ya, ya. I know. But technically, I'm not late since Kakashi-sensei ain't here yet. And besides, I've been late everyday since we we're assigned teams. You should know by now I'm never going to show up on time."

Naruto sweatdropped, while Sakura gained an irk mark. The bubblegum was about to shout something, but luckily Kakashi arrived before she could make her grave any deeper with Amara.

"Sup." He said casually, his nose buried in his orange book. Amara rolled her eye at him, casually placing her hands behind her head.

"Okay, so today, for our first mission, Team 7 has to..."


"Sasuke, I'm at point B."

"Sakura, I'm at point C."


"Naruto, I'm at point A, believe it."

"So slow Naruto. Okay, Team 7-Hm? The target has moved!" A shadow burst through the trees, leaves rustling behind it. It jumped into a bush, which shook slightly.

"Over there."

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura quickly darted closer to the bush, ducking behind trees.

"What's your distance from the target?"

"Five meters. I'm ready, just give the signal."

"I'm ready."

"So am I!"

"Okay... Now!"

The three genin lunged out of the trees, only to blanch at the sight.

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