Chapter 16

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Guess who's back!

Back again!

I'm alive! I didn't turn into a potato or die from too much food. And since someone (cough@YokiVKcough) wanted an update, here y'all go!


The next day at school, I immediately ran up to Teri with a grin on my face. As soon as she saw me she smiled and  yelled, "I WANT DETAILS BITCH!". People gave her strange looks while I shushed her and dragged her to an empty classroom.

She smiled at me as I went through everything that happened with DJ yesterday. "So yeah," I finish,"that's what happened.". She jumps up and down squealing, and saying OTP over and over again.

"So are you guys together now?" She asks. I nod and blush as she starts squealing again. I decide to change the subject.

"Enough about me and DJ. What's up with you and Ryan? Hmmm?". Teri smiles then starts to go on and on about her and Ryan being official, and how we should double date and stuff. But I'm only half paying attention.

I'm looking around for DJ.

Then Teri starts calling someone. I look up and notice Ryan heading over. He bends down slightly to hug Teri wile she kisses him lightly on the cheek. They intertwine their hands and we walk a few steps when I notice DJ. I smile at him, and walk over.


I get to school just in time to see Kathy running off with Teri. I blush realizing that they're probably talking about yesterday. And how we kissed...

I smile slightly just thinking about it. I can't believe we actually kissed. And it was amazing.

I'm startled out of my thoughts when I feel an arm around my shoulders. I jump slightly before seeing who it is. Ryan smiles then says,"So, how did it go?".

"How did what go?" I ask shyly. And how do you know about it? I wanted to ask. Ryan smirks before lightly shoving me jokingly.

"Don't play dumb, man. You know what I mean.". I scratch my arm nervously before answering.

"Well,um...she...she said...she likes me too."


"And...we, uh, well...we...kissed."

"WHAT!". Some people look our way when he yells.

"Dude, keep your voice down, please." I say, uncomfortable with all the attention that's on me.

Ryan says, "Right, yeah, sorry. It's guys kissed? For real!". I nod my head and blush when he says, "Oh, my man!". He pats me on the back and starts saying stuff like how he's known it since he first met us and it's about time we got together.

"What do you mean, since you met us?" I ask. He just smirks.

"Dude, when Kathy introduced me to you, I could see it in your eyes. Not only could I see it when you talked to her, but I could see the fear when she talked to me. You were afraid of me taking her away from you. But there was no way I could do that. You loved her too much. Still do. Right?". All I could do was nod. Then I asked a question I realized I've never asked.

"Did you ever have a crush on Kathy?"

He laughs, "Still worried huh? Haha. Yeah, if I'm being honest, I did like her at one point. But like I said. She wasn't meant for me. She's meant to be with you. I could see that much.". I was about to respond when I here Teri.

I look up and see her calling to Ryan. He smiles and walks over to her, giving her a hug while she kisses him on the cheek. They're cute. The I notice Kathy standing next to them and she's smiling at me.

"Hey" she says, standing in front of me.

"Hi", I say back, blushing and looking down at the ground. Before I notice what's happening I feel her warm, soft lips press gently against my cheek. Blushing even more, if that's possible, I look up to see her giggle at the sight of my red face.

"W-what was, um, that f-for?" I ask. She smiles again.

"A kiss silly. What, I can't kiss my boyfriend at school?" She says jokingly. Wait! Did she just say-

"B-boyfriend?!" I asked, shocked. Am I really that to her? Kathy laughs again and grabs my hand, lacing our fingers together. Her warm hand feels nice in my slightly colder one.

She says, "Yeah. Boyfriend. And I'm your girlfriend. Is that okay?". She has a smug little smirk on her face. There's the Kathy I remember all too well.

"Yeah! It's definitely okay!" I say happily. We both laugh and walk with Teri and Ryan, as the bell rings. I can't believe it. Kathy is my girlfriend!

Could this day get any better?



There you go. Another wonderful chapter...

The calm before the storm! Mwahahah!!! What? You thought everything was going to be sunshine and rainbows here? Did y'all not read chapter 10-12?

All I can tell you is, prepare yourself...

On that happy note!

Until we meet again my friends!

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