Chapter 17

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I'm not gonna explain in detail the reason for my absence. I'm in highschool. There's drama. Heres your update. Enjoy.




It's been a month since me and DJ started going out. And it's been awesome! He's started to come out of his shell more at school and more people talk to him. Teri and Ryan are still together too. They are such a dorky couple though. Always talking about games and shows they're obsessed with. So cute.

The four of us meet up at the treehouse almost every day after school now and just hang out or we'll go up to the house and watch TV. Nanna even makes us snacks sometimes. She's the best!

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Teri slamming her locker door shut next to me. "So Kat, what do you think? You in?" She asks. But I have no idea what she just said.

"Sorry," I say, "in on what?". She sighs slightly frustrated.

"I was asking if you and DJ would like to go to the movies with me and Ryan later? It is a Friday after all."

I think for a moment before answering. Should I ask DJ first? I mean, I'm sure he'd be okay with it but still...

"OK. Sure, we'll come!"


I'm putting my books into my locker. It's the end of the day so I'm about to head home. Grandma said she had a few errands she'd like me to run for her.

I close my locker then feel someone wrap their arms around me from behind. I turn to see Kathy smiling up at me. I laugh then turn around to give her a proper hug.

"Hey!" She says. She seems excited about something.

"Hey" I say, "what's up? You seem excited."

"Teri just invited us to see a movie with her and Ryan later. Wanna go?". She smiles waiting for my answer. I want to say yes, but want about grandma? I mean, I guess I could ask if I could do them later, right?

"Yeah, sure." I say smiling. Kathy smiles at me again and stands on her tiptoes to lightly kiss me. As we walk to her house I text my grandma to ask if I could do the errands later so I could go to the movie. I get a response soon and see what it says.

Of course sweetie! You have fun and invite them all over for dinner if you'd like!

I chuckle a bit. My grandma is so great, I love her. We get to Kathy's house and we walk into the kitchen. Her parents are both in there getting dinner started. Her mom notices us first and smiles. We all talk for a bit and they say iys okay for us to go out and have dinner t my place. About an hour later we head out to meet Teri and Ryan at the movie theater.


We get to the movies and find Teri and Ryan. Then the argument starts.

Teri wants to see a romantic comedy, Ryan wants to see an action movie, I wanna see that new Disney movie and DJ says he doesn't care. Which means he would be the deciding vote.

After a few minutes of our little fight, the others agree to s e the movie I picked. Victory is mine! Like always. Haha!

We get our drinks and popcorn then find good seats and enjoy the movie. Me and Teri got shushed a few times for singing along too loud to the songs but it was kinda funny.

Ryan and Teri got all snuggled up next to each other while I just laced my fingers with DJ's causing him to blush a bit.

We all laughed and teared up a bit during the movie and had a great time. We decided to play some games in the arcade after the movie ended and had even more fun in there. Ryan kept getting mad cause Teri was beating him at everything, like a boss.

After about an hour of games we decided to head over to DJ's place for dinner. We just walked outside when his phone started to ring. We all stopped so he could answer it. The caller ID said it was Nanna and he smiled while answering it.

"Hello?" He answered. His happy smile faded really quick. His eyes looked panicked as he listened to whatever Nanna was telling him.

"Y-yes, I'll...I'll be there a-as soon as I c-can. Thank you." He hung up the phone,and turned to us. There was a look of fear in his eyes. The same look I saw that day I found him in his house bleeding on the floor.

"DJ, what is it? What's the matter?" I asked, concern in my voice. He took a moment to breathe before he answered. And what he said, I wasn't prepared for.

"That was...that was a nurse calling  from my grandmas phone. Nanna, she's...she's I-in the hospital. W-we gotta g-go.".


And I'm just gonna leave you with that for who knows how long this time. But since winter break is coming up you might get updates sooner than usual.

Until we meet again my friends!

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