Chapter 19

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As we walk into Nannas hospital room, DJ runs over and gently takes her hand. She's still asleep but the doctor said she should wake up soon. I turn to Ryan and Toni and whisper, "Can you guys wait outside for a bit?". They see how DJ is about to crack and take the hint.

As soon as the door closes his crying starts again. I walk over and put my hand on his shoulder gently. He doesn't say anything, just try to calm down. Soon, visiting hours end and we have to go. We exit the hospital and head home. As we pass DJs place he just looks at me and I can see what hes asking. I grab his hand and we keep walking.

Ryan and Toni head home in a different direction so it's just me and DJ now. He still hasn't said a single word since we left the hospital. I lightly squeeze his hand as we get to my house. My mom opens the door when she sees us through the window and hugs DJ immediately. I can see him hugging back like his life depends on it. My moms always been like a second mother to him any way.

"Mom," I say quietly. She looks over, "can he stay here? Just for a few nights until Nanna is out of the hospital?". My mom smiles gently.

"Of course honey. I'll get the extra bed sheets for the pull out couch." She says while walking down the hall. I look up at DJ and see him staring at me.

"What?" I ask.

He smiles a sad smile. One I'm all too familiar with.

"It's just," he says, "you are...truly amazing. I don't know how you can still put up with me." He sighs. He walks over to the couch and plops down. I go over and sit next to him. He places his hand over mine and just sits in silence for a while. He seems like he's about to say something but...

"Okay I've got the bedsheet, a comforter, a pillow and an old stuffed panda because I remember how your mom would always tell me you cuddle in your sleep."


I was about to say more when Kay's mom walked in with all my bed stuff. I blush a bit when she brings up my cuddle habits. It's not like I can control myself when I'm asleep! "I don't need a panda to sleep." I protest.

I took the panda...


Short chapter, I know... And long overdue, sorry. I don't even know if anyone still reads this. Probably not but anyway here us go! Next couple chapters are probably the ending...

Until we meet again my friends!


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