Chapter 3: The Search for Hiro Nakajima

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Heroes Legion Mansion/ The Clubhouse, September 14th, 2013: 10:30 PM

"So what makes you so certain that it might be a Metahuman related event?" Silicon asked Agent Smith after he told them about the explosion in the alley.

"Because a few hours after the explosion had been reported by sleeping neighbours on the block it occurred, there were eyewitness reports of a...large male that stopped a bus dead in his tracks with just his body before running off before someone could call the cops" Agent Smith saw the Legions concerned looks, "Don't worry, the word "Superhuman" hasn't come up on any of the people's minds yet. So what do you think, is it worth looking into?"

"Well we could run a scan on the city, see if after two days' time, the possible Metahuman's M-Gene's should show up on the scanner on Heroes Links: One" M-Leader scratched his chin, "but we should check the site of this explosion, but we also have the last quadrant of the spill area that we need to search as well...even though some of us have super speed abilities, we can't do two things at once"

"And if it doesn't work" Silicon added, "I at least have one more idea left that should be able to make Heroes Links: one break through the "Static" being caused by the presence of the excess M-Radiation around New York from the detonated M-50. But if there is a new Metahuman out there, we have no time to loose"

"I'll go check the blast site then..." Shadow Knight volunteered, "If there is a new Metahuman out there, I might be able to track him or her down just as well"

M-Leader thought for a moment, and then agreed "all right, you do that Shadow Knight. But if you do find the new Metahuman, don't engage him or for me, and we'll approach him or I did with all of you"

"I understand" Shadow Knight nodded courteously to his Leader, and then vanished in a puff of smoke.

Agent smith spoke again, "Before you all go out to search for M-50, there's one last item of business I need to tell you all about"

"What's that?" asked Velocity.

M-Leader skipped the formalities and read the information from Agent Smiths head.

His eyes widened in disbelief, "He can't be serious!"

Agent Smith was taken aback by this statement, but then remembered that the man talking to him could read other peoples thoughts, and resumed his calm stance "I'm afraid so M-Leader, he didn't have any say in the matter, it was either this or something else entirely...according to General Arcane this was the better option"

"What's going on?" Raven asked concerned.

M-Leader sighed, "The government has pressured Arcane into forming a "Back-Up" unit, made of S.L.E.E.T soldiers who have been fitted and "Deal" with Metahumans if we fail to detain them" M-Leader answered.

"A kill squad?!" Atlanta asked appalled.

"A Last resort squad" Agent Smith corrected, "It was either S.L.E.E.T who formed the unit, or a relatively new division called S.T.R.I.P.E who would form them. Trust me, this was the better option compared to those guys. This way the unit answers to Arcane and Arcane only. HE gives the orders and they follow not the government if the unit had been formed with S.T.R.I.P.E soldiers. I'm sorry M-Leader, but that's how it is...president's orders, they want a deterrent against their deterrent. It's just security vs insecurity based politics...they're just not "Comfortable" with it just being you eight being their only line of defense against the Metahumans who are dangerous to our country or maybe even or worlds safety."

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