chapter 4

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After all their promotions and their filming for REAL GOT7 they finally had spare time. Well besides constantly practicing and getting ready for more promotions, the boys had nothing to do in between those times. Which was perfect for youngjae. Now that he had all this free ("free") time, he could focus on his song writing. He wasn't very close with some of the members. Although he had a good laugh with them, he couldn't really open up to any of them. Besides mark. And that's who he went to first when he needed to talk.

"Mark hyung. I need to talk to you about something." Mark looked over at youngjae. "You want to go into another room and talk?" Youngjae nodded and got up, going straight into the bathroom. "what's wrong youngjae?" Youngjae sighed and looked at mark. "i don't know what to do! I don't know who my soulmate is. As far as i know it's someone in the band! But i don't.. i can't figure out who. Plus i think i might like someone but i'm not too sure. I don't know what to do because what if this person doesn't like me? Or what if they're really not okay with me liking them because South Korea is so anti-gay? Like i'm not even out to the other members just you and Jackson and i just-" Mark gave a light flick to youngjae's forehead and shook his head, a reassuring expression on his face. Mark leaned against the bathroom door frame and put his hands in his pockets. "Youngjae. I'm pretty sure that who ever you like will like you back. It's okay. Try spending a little more quality time with some of the members other than me and jackson." Youngjae nodded and sighed. He looked in the mirror and then back at mark with a soft smile. "Thank you mark. " Mark smiled back and nodded. "c'mon. Let's get back before the guys start worrying." Youngjae nodded and followed mark out of the bathroom and back into the dance room. Much to his surprise and delight, the other band members were being loud and having a good time. Jaebum, jackson and bambam were prancing around acting like maniacs, jinyoung was on the couch laughing and watching, and yugyeom, yugyeom was on the floor now being attacked by jaebum and jackson. Youngjae laughed loudly, joining the boys on prancing around and having fun.

The morning after, youngjae woke up. He looked at the clock and began to panic. "crAP I'M GONNA BE LATE TO PROMOTIONS" He ran into his closet and about 10 minutes later came out wearing his signature black hoodie and black jeans. He ran out of the room and passed the kitchen where, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted someone. "Jaebum! What are you doing we have to GO!!" Jaebum chuckled and shook his head. "It's our free day today youngjae. Our promotions aren't for another week." The younger boy looked at the other and fell to on his knees, clutching his chest and groaning. "AAH!!! You're kidding me!? " Jaebum laughed and set his coffee down, walking towards the younger boy. "since you're already up, why don't we get some breakfast?" Youngjae nods, getting up off the floor and looks at the leader. "hyung, shouldn't you at least get dressed?" Jaebum looked down to check what he was wearing and looked back up at youngjae, shaking his head. "Nope. Let's go c'mon. I'll pay." Youngjae nodded and left with jaebum.

"So what do you want to eat hyung?" Youngjae said softly as they looked through the menu. "Hmm i don't know. I kind of want to get some bulgogi but i know that this place makes a portion big enough for two or three people to eat. What about you?" Youngjae flipped a page and scanned it. "We can get the bulgogi and some jap chae. What ever is left over we can bring to the rest of the group." Jaebum folds up the menu and nods. "alright."

After a little bit of time passing, them ordering, and finally getting their food, the two began eating. Jaebum stuffing his face like he hasn't eaten in weeks and youngjae, a little more poised when he eats but it's still a little hectic. The both of them end up being somewhat silent throughout the meal until youngjae spoke up. "So, hyung, how will you be spending your free time this week?" Jaebum began chewing his food but swallowed quickly to answer. "Ah, not much. Probably going to go and practice a little more, go with jackson and bambam to the amusement park. Spend time with who ever wants to hang out. Maybe call my mom and tell her how i'm doing." Jae reached for the glass and drank. "What about you?" Youngjae looked up from his rice bowl and looked at the leader. "To be honest i'm not quite sure yet. I'm definitely calling my mom. I'm sure she knows i'm doing well but i miss her a lot so i'm going to give her a call. Practice. A lot. Continue writing my songs. Maybe catch up on some sleep. Hang with who ever wants to hang. So pretty much, i wont be doing anything significant." Youngjae shrugged as he filled his mouth with rice and beef. Jaebum nodded and suddenly made a noise to grab the other's attention. " We should go see a movie after this." Youngjae choked on his food. He began coughing like crazy. "Or you know we don't HAVE to." Youngjae took a huge gulp of water and shook his head before setting the glass down, gasping for air. "NO no! it's a good idea we should it's just, that came out of nowhere. It took me by surprise." Jaebum chuckled. Youngjae looked at jaebum. He didn't know what it was about this man that made him feel like this but youngjae felt his chest grow warm. He hit his chest softly and fake coughed before smiling at jaebum. "Shall we go?" Jaebum nodded and left some money on the table. "Let's go."

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