Chapter #2| Caught in the act

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There wasn't any explanation I could give him, the scene is obvious enough to him and yet he's enjoying my embarrassment. Sitting beside me I helplessly re-watched the porn videos seen on my search history. My mind screamed for me to get away but my body refused as the firm grip on my knee is enough for my body to obey the unspoken command.

Logan watched every video I've seen, from fisting to wax play I've watched close to everything and he still haven't said a word to me. I couldn't stop my c*ck from hardening, my breath hitched as the dominant fisting his submissive came to view once again. My ass cheeks clench as I watched the fist disappear inside the submissive. I catch Logan watching me intensely several times, I know I should be embarrassed and yet I enjoy him staring at me.

"You want this, don't you Micky" he whispers. He put the video in full screen and the volume on full blast. Not caring about our nosy neighbours I couldn't advert my gaze from the video, after fisting the submissive, the dominant f*ck him to point of passing out. Eyes rolled  back the twink grip the steel bars for dear life as his master dominates him.

"Answer me love" he says. The tone in his voice changed sends tingles throughout my body, I grip my c*ck jerking off wanting to climax along with the dominant in the video. Logan slapped my hand away, I whined wanting to reach my climax and Logan is preventing that.

"You didn't answer my question" he says.

"Watching these videos alone, wonder what our neighbours are thinking right now. This video turns you on, look at you grinding on the seat. You want to be f*cked and fisted love? You me to do those things to you and treat you like a sl*t" he says 

"Oh god, I want you do dirty things to me " I moaned. I would never imagine myself in such position, with Logan touching my c*ck this should be my wet dreams not reality. I spread my legs wider giving him my silent plea, Logan gotten the message and roughly jerked me off. I threw my head back moaning his name and begging him to let me cum. Why I do feel the strong need to ask permission, the way I think and the way my body react is changing.

Turning the seat around, I felt like he's stripping me within his gaze and so we changed positions moving to my bed. Video still playing I now lay beneath Logan naked and by now I have no attempts to stop him.

"Lift your ass" he orders. I willingly comply, Logan palmed my ass spreading my cheeks apart. With one lick I lost it, his tongue thrust inside my twitching hole, I screamed his name begging for something other than his tongue.

"F*ck me" I begged. My goodness, what have I become? Right now I could careless, it's like he's recreating one of the porn videos I've watched.

"F*ck! Why can't I control myself when it comes to you" he says. Logan tear open the condom, I knew where this is heading and if I don't say something now then there's no turning back. Our friendship would be one the line after this night. After preparing he thrust deep inside of me, I felt like I couldn't breathe but the feeling of not breathing makes it more thrilling.

I've had sex with several men in the past but none of them made me feel like this, it's like I am a virgin all over again. My hole stretched to the max trying to adjust to Logan's size, after waiting for me to adjust he's given me no mercy and went for gold. Bed board banged against the wall, moans and wet noises filled the room.

"Yes!" I moaned. We couldn't stop after our first climax, Logan have no intention to stopped he made is clear to f*ck till I pass out.


I slammed my fist onto my stupid alarm, sun shined between the small gapes of the curtains. I blushed in embarrassment remembering last night it was wild and steamy. I never knew sex could be something like that.

What will he say when he wakes up?

What will I say?!

I had sex with my best friend.

I f*cking had sex with Logan Densdale my best friend.

"We need to talk" he says. I screamed in surprise, I hate it when he does that.

"T-Talk about what? T-There's nothing to talk about" I replied. Good on you Micky, give a stupid response and make yourself look like an asshole.

"I know you're interested in BDSM for a while now and last night confirms it" he says. I blushed.

"Okay I am interested in BDSM, s-so what" I replied. Logan smirked.

"I can teach you love, as you know I am a dominant and practice BDSM" he says. Now laying beneath him Logan spread my legs wide putting on a condom then thrust deep inside of me. It feels so good and hurts at the same time.

My Perverted Boyfriend (ManxMan| School-life) Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now