Chapter #8| Him

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I kneeled beside my master as he pat my head. Preston struggled between his men trying to gain some space which they disagree. After doubting Logan and not giving him a chance to explain I felt guilty ever since. Dismissing my worries, Logan try his best to comfort me even when I think I don't deserve it.

"Why don't you ditch him and become my master again" someone says. I felt Master Logan grip my shoulder and look up to see who's talking. I glared at the submissive who not only kissed my master but use to be his submissive.

"You dare speak to a dominant without permission" Logan growled.

"Whoops, my mistake Sir why don't you punish me" the twink replies. Ready to break is fake looking nose Master Logan forced me to sit down.

"Do not anger me Quinton otherwise you'll suffer the consquences" said Logan. Quinton chuckled not believing masters words.

"Quinton you're banned from this club years ago. I suggest you leave now or I'll call your master" said Master Eden. Quinton gasped trembled on the top and try to stand his ground. Master Damon still putting Preston onto Master Eden's lap.

"Kneel" he ordered. Quickly he kneeled down and whimpered as Damon glared at me. Taking out his phone he dialed a number I knew belonged to Quintons master.

"Y-You said you loved me Logan and you chose the man who broke your heart!" Quinton yelled. I looked at Logan in confusion.

"What is he talking about? I asked Logan. Telling Quinton to shut up he continue talking.

"While lover boy went on blind dates, Logan stayed over my house drinking away his pain because he loved you. I was there to comfort him, he wanted you to be happy so he stayed silent" Quinton replies. I didn't think going on those blind dates in the past would hurt him, I felt bad no realising his feelings sooner.

"Enough! We were through long ago Quinton, its time to forget the past" said Logan.

"Lies! You loved me Logan" said Quinton.

"I thought I did but I was wrong. Only used you to forget about Micky along with other submissives and he knows that. I know you done the same so do not play the victim. I didn't love you Quinton and never will" Logan replied.

"Your punishment will last for a week pet" said his Master. Breaking the awkward silence.

"Glad you came Dean" said Master Eden. Quinton whimpered as Master Dean ordered him to crawl to the nearest playroom. Afraid to look at Logan, I felt more guilty for not recongnising his feelings.

"I am sorry Master, I wished I realised sooner" I said not wanting to meet his gaze.

"Its not your fault Micky, how I handle it is my fault but now I finally have you baby and that all matters" he replied.


Once the playroom door slam shut he thrust deep inside me as my back bang against the red wooden door. Without preparations he went in raw, I screamed in pleasure and pain.

"Master!" I moaned. Bouncing me up and down onto his c*ck, I couldn't get enough begging for more.

"F*ck yes!" He hissed. Slapping my ass for me to meet his thrusts we didn't last long coming till the last drop.

"I-I can't feel my legs" I said. Logan laughed setting me on my feet as I drop the floor. Sitting in an odd position Logan laughed dropping beside me. I glared at my master trying to give him a playful punch.

"Come and get me pet" he says teasing me.

"I'll remember this Logan, you'll regret this!" I replied. Trying to crawl towards my master, he continued laughing crying from all the laughter.

"You're lucky I love you!" I yelled at him. Pouting he stopped laughed and put me onto his lap. Trying to give me a kiss I turned away.

"Come on baby, let me kiss you" he says. I ignored him not wanting to give him a response.

"Okay I am sorry now kiss me" he said.

"I told you you'll regret your decision so not kisses and sex for a week" I said. His eyes widen in shock.

"You don't mean that, do you?" He says. I nodded in response, suddenly Logan thrust deep inside me.

"B-Bastard!" I moaned. He smiled that melt my heart.

"You love me" he says.


My Perverted Boyfriend (ManxMan| School-life) Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now