Chapter #9| Christmas end

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Two weeks later

"Ahhh! Help! Fire!" Preston yelled. Quickly I ran into the kitchen seeing the oven on fire. Master Eden, Damon and Logan were already in scene extinguishing the fire.

"Move back Preston" I said. I held his trying to calm him down. The poor fella didn't know how to cook and determine to try while reading a cook book he bought the other day. Refusing help from master Preston wanted to cook the Christmas dinner alone.

"No more cooking" said Master Eden. His bottom lip trembling trying not to cry, I felt bad and offered to help Preston cook. They weren't sure but I promise to keep a close eye on him and give him easiest task.

After cooking dinner, Preston and I were happy with the result and hope our Master would enjoy it. Afraid to give Logan his present, I doubted whether its to soon to ask the important question that'll change our life.

"Maybe I should wait, we haven't been together long so what if he'll say no" I said to Preston. I look back at Logan seeing him laugh with his friends.

"He'll say yes, I know it Micky. Your love is stronger than the days, months or years you've been together" Preston replied.

"Maybe you're right but I am so nervous" I said. After eating dinner and cleaning my nerves gotten worse by the second. Trying best to not seem so obvious.

"You okay, Micky?" Asked Logan.

"Y-Yes umm ... I-I would like to give you your present first" I replied. Reaching inside my pocket I pulled out a dark blue little wooden box. Sinking down to my knees I slowly open the box revealing the diamond ring. Using my savings I paid for the ring I would give to my fated one.

"M-Master I love you with all my heart, I felt guilty for not realising your feelings sooner. I wanted to love you forever and grow old together. With this ring, we will never break apart. Will you marry me Master Logan" I said. Preston squealed clapping his hands. Logan hugged me tight sobbing as he said yes. With my trembling hand I slide the engagement ring onto his finger.

"Oh! I am so happy for you guys" said Preston. Then suddenly, Master Damon stood in front of Preston going down on one knee.

"Will you marry me baby?" He asked. In shock Preston couldn't believe what he's seeing.

"I agreed Damon should marry you baby. He grew up with you first before came into the picture. We're already married in my heart" said Master Eden.

"Yes!" Preston cried and kissed both of his masters.

"I guess we're having a double wedding then" I said. Kissing my master, we continue celebrating our special night and soon we'll be married and continue our new beginning.

Merry Christmas.

The End

A/N: Thank you all for reading My Perverted Boyfriend. Hope chapter 8 will clear all the confusion. Merry Christmas guys.

My Perverted Boyfriend (ManxMan| School-life) Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now