Chapter #4| The club

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I stayed close to Logan as he showed me around his BDSM club, I felt aroused watching dominants and dominatrix's f*cking their submissive. I could feel everyone's eyes on me and submissives kneel down when Logan walks by. Respectfully he introduced me to his friends I never met before, a sting shoot to my heart when I greeted them. They were happy to see Logan and it makes me realise I don't know anything personal about my best friend.  

"You finally claimed him Logan" said Master Damon.

"Shut it Damon" Logan replies. I blushed as they asked questions about our sex life, when I blushed they instantly knew Logan already made his move.

"How are you liking the BDSM lifestyle?" asked Master Eden. I explained my interest in the lifestyle, I even accidently confessed reading about it in erotic novels during my college years. I wanted to be honest with his friends and I feel like they can give me some advice to adapt within BDSM.

"I'm glad you're interested in BDSM, many misjudge it thinking it's an excuse to abuse females and males for our sick fetishes as they say which is completely false. You have much to learn and I know Logan will teach you about it, if you have any question please do not hesitate to ask your Master or us" Master Eden replies.

"What books you've read? I am interested reading what's all the fuss about it" asked Master Damon. I blushed and named a few for an example, fifty shades series, Masters of Shadowlands series and Up in the air series.

"My submissive is a pervert" said Logan. Look who's talking.

Suddenly the tights dimmed as one spot light shined bright on the stage. A pole placed in the middle of the stage, everyone went quiet including Logan. I didn't understand what's going on for everyone to stay silent so I stared at the stage like everyone else. A submissive stood in front of the poll only wearing leather panties, the song high for this sung by The Weeknd played. His hips swayed, his eyes closed and danced to the music blocking everyone out.

"Who's that?" I asked Logan. He smiled glancing over to his two friends, I done the same seen them eyeing the submissive like he's their prey.

"That's Preston" he replies. Preston twirl around the pole using his legs to support his body, I could feel the strong sexual tension from his dance along with emotions I couldn't explain. I was surprise to see Master Eden and Damon walked on stage, no one dared to speak watching the scene unfold. Preston knew they both were there and yet he continued dancing ignoring them, some gasp in the crowd from his response to the dominants.  They both trapped Preston between their bodies, moans can only be heard in the club. Whatever Master Eden whispered to Preston made his knees grow weak.

"W-Where are they taking him?" I asked Logan. Blushing I notice the bludge in my pants, if it wasn't for the dimmed lights Master Logan would notice.

"You know where love" he replies. I blushed, they're taking him to the playroom. My cheeks flushed remembering how Logan chained me and then f*cked me hard. My cheeks clench as my hole twitched remembering the scene all over again. Making a bold move I straddle his lap taking him by surprise. Not caring we're in public I kissed him grinding my ass against his erected c*ck sealed within his pants.  

Realising how I am behaving like a desperate wh*re I felt ashamed of myself and this isn't who I am. I am not that kind of person and yet I allowed pleasure block what's important. Logan and I grew up together, we're best friends and yet we're having sex like it's nothing. I am starting question whether agreeing to be his submissive is the best option, I didn't want to ruin our friendship well what's left of it. Not only I feel ashamed of how my body is responding but also I feel confused having a hard time containing these emotions I never experienced before. I respect the lifestyle and also enjoy it but it's like I am starting to become a different person because of it.

"What's wrong Micky?" Logan asked. I glanced seeing a few people watching us, how could I be so stupid. Lust is all I can think about and here I am grinding against Logan like a wh*re, everything suddenly became overwhelming for me. Maybe I wasn't ready for this yet or maybe BDSM isn't the lifestyle for me. Wiping away my tears I dashed out of the club ignoring his calls, I am so confused because of my body and emotions and I allowed it get to me. I ran to an unfamiliar street but I kept going wanting to be far away from the club and Logan as possible.

My Perverted Boyfriend (ManxMan| School-life) Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now