The First Nightmare

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Night 1
The boys eyes slowly open to an unusual sound which seems to be coming from the kitchen. The boy pulls his soft blanket off his warm, young body and gently places his feet to the wooden oak floor. He slowly reaches for his torch which his dad gave him from his old father's job. The torch was never used before, it had a sleek black shine to it and the name 'Afton' was engraved in it onto the side. The boy tightly grips his father torch and pulls himself to stand to observe his surroundings better. He grazed his finger over the button and switches the small torch on to see the white wooden closet slightly open and the two hallway doors completely shut.

Step by step, his feet follow each other to the front of his bed where the noises get louder. Directing his torch to the right hand door he listens again, 'Bang, bang, bang' then silence. 'Dad's at work and mum's asleep right? So what's making those noises?' the boy questions himself, "mum?" shouts the boy questioning the weird noises. "Mum, is that you?" The boy shouts again drifting closer towards the door, wondering if he should investigate what caused the sounds. "Hello?" he mumbles as he presses his face against the door trying to hear any response until his heart stopped dead...

His face turned red with and sweat began to fall from his temple from what he was hearing. Deep, slow mechanical breathing could be heard through the white oak door. Instinctively, the boy closed the door hard against the door framing, chipping some old white paint off. His hands held the door knob tight against his body making sure nothing could open the door, he listened again, the breathing got softer but could still be heard through the barks from the dog across the street.

Ten minutes later and the breathing has died down and only the boys worried, slow breaths remain present. His hands had become so sweating and red from the pressure of his grip he had to let go. The door slowly slid open to reveal a dark and lifeless hallway, the boy grabs his torch from the floor and quickly switched it on.
Empty, only the shadow from a withered tree showing through the glass window could be seen. He closed the door and shuffled back to his bed placing the torch in his pocket. He looked through his window to see the full, silver moon reflecting its shadow into the floor. The boy wiped his temple and took a deep breath, his eyes began to cloud with his mind questioning the strange noises coming from the kitchen and the deep, harsh breathing from behind the hallway door. 'What was that?' he asked himself, looking over to his golden plush bear who was laying in the corner of his room with the other toys.

Trying to forget of the events that happened the boy jumps off his bed a turns on his purple fan his father got him for Christmas to try and cool down from the hot summers night.

A chattering noise slowly grew present as the boy walked towards his fan which seemed to be coming from his bed. After turning on his fan he grabs his torch from his pocket and quickly switched it on again to see what the noise is. As the torch beam drifts towards his bed he notices a small bear like shadow which was shaking dramatically. As soon as the light was directly on the figure it swiftly raced off the bed and into the darkness, "Weird.." the boy mumbles as he reluctantly turns off his torch to return to his bed to sleep. He slowly glides back onto his bed and placed his torch on the bedside table next to him. He slides back into the comfort of his sheets and closes his eyes. '5 days till the party' the boy remained himself as he drifts back into his dreams were the nightmares soon flood back in.

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