Hello from the other side

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The boy still holds his heavy breathing as stress fills his mind of the events which just occurred. 'Why was it twitching like that?' He thought to himself as he lent over his soft bed to grab his game boy from inside the compartment within the bedside table.

It already had a game inserted, more than lucky the boy sister's favourite game she plays all the time. The loading screen opened and he waited for the game to load. 'Mangle's Quest' appeared in bold black writing at the top of the new gaming device, "Great..." he whispered to himself as fun, happy music began to play through the small speaker on the top side of the device.

The boy closes the application and disconnects the game from the device, carefully removing the game chip from the small slot at the back of the machine. He places it on his small bedside table and closes down the game boy as well.

The boy could heard the old grandfather clock in the background chiming to the hour of mid-night. 'I think it will be ok to and get some food, if I go the other way' he thought to himself as he feel the intensified growling within his stomach start to become more clear.
The boy quickly scampered off down the right hand sided hallway. He past a large window still open from last time his mother did the cleaning. The moon was slowly raising with its shine seeping through the window glass. He walked farther on to see the closed wooden oak door it front of him. He looked around to see if there was anything weird about the situation, after seeing the empty hallway he turns around and gently pushes his force towards the door and enters the small compacted kitchen area.

It was pitch black dark, with silence for filling the room. He had never had a late night snack before without his parents permission and started to think if he was making the wrong decision.

He gently placed his hand on the inside of the wall to try and find the light switch. As he slowly drifts his hand along the wall he notices a small spot where heavy warm air could be sensed.
This left his hand there for a few minutes trying to figure out what was making the constant on and off heavy mist being blown against the wall when he suddenly released and his body became froze still.

His breathing stops in a attempt to be as close to silent as possible as the heavy breathing slowly faded. The heavy mist of breathing glided along his small arm towards his face where he could smell an old rotting toy in front of him.

Two minutes had past and the breathing had slowly disappeared into the darkness. The boy finally takes a silent deep breath and tries to relax from what he think I just in countered.

To his horror he hears slow heavy foot steps in the background from the area in which he was in. The boy carefully creeps backwards and gently closes the door trying to not make a sound.

As the door shuts a loud ' click' could be heard. The boy froze in fear as he could hear the footsteps slowly become louder with every step coming towards him.

'Run or wait?' He thought as his curiosity starts to take over his mind, mixing with the fear in a fierce debate.
The wooden oak door by now was slowly starting to creek open from the creature that was it the kitchen. 'Run!' His mind agreed as his burst into a fast sprint towards the door of his flew past the large open window making the old fashion curtains wave in the extra speed being generated by the boy.

The boy quickly open the door and slammed it shut as fast as he could so he couldn't observe the creature that was on the other side of the door.

The boy quickly wiped the sweat dripping from his brow and gripped the door handle tightly. He changed his gaze towards his window where he saw the new sun raise from the flat horizon beyond. "Time when by fast" he mumbled to himself as he tried to listen for any signs of life behind the wooden door. Silence...... nothing else nothing less. The boy hesitantly released his grip from the door knob and slid the entrance slightly open to observe anything beyond his quarters. Nothing. The boy sluggishly walked over to his bed where he flopped on his pillow were tear begin the trickle down his face, 'when will this nightmare end?' He thought as his hopelessly cried on.

Author's note- So sorry for this chapter being late. School and stuff so soz for being annoying :) Please vote and comment if you like this, it would mean so much

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