Fun With Plushtrap

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Night 2
As the boy sits in his room he wonders this question over and over, thinking of different and logical situations for fathers disappearance and the mysterious phone call of an accident. The boy could hear laugher from a distance and knew who it belonged to, his brother. He never knew why his brother was like this, so mean, so terrible so wrong.

He wiped his tears still slowly rolling down his face with a soft white tissue which was found beside him on the bedside table.

His sister was much younger than him, her hair only placed in the in one style of two high pigtails. She had long ginger hair and loves the colour pink. Her name was Charlie. The boy's mother always calls her baby though since she is so cute and sweet but towards her brother she is quiet misbehaving and very naughty. She is the only one in the family which travels to school and is very popular. She loves clowns and ballerinas from a circus production with was in town from around a year ago.

It seemed like most of his family hated him but for what? His parents were the only ones who were nice and caring of him. His mother had beautiful ginger locks which always was in a different style each time of day. She always wore a bright smile and had glittering green eyes which shorn straight through to the soul of the person to look at her.
His father on the other hand looked very different, he had short black hair with the tips died purple and was very tall in length. He has a defined jawline and sharp black eyes, he has a strong body and a big smile. He previously worked at a old pizzeria called 'Fredbear Family Diner' working as a night watch man to watch a series of animatronics which were design to play on show during the day.
Lately during his free time, the boy's father has been designing animatronics of his own with his co-worker hopefully getting up and running a new industry called 'Afton Robotics'.
His father had always had a connection to this place a wanted to have the idea for himself, talk animals which play instruments and dance, how thoughtful.

Another message buzzed through on his father's phone. The boy wasn't sure how to react to the matter, somehow his father new he had position of his phone and got in contact with him. He wasn't sure if he should read the text message or not, it could be directed to him and a private message towards his father himself. The boy reluctantly took hold of the phone and looked at the message that was sent, 'Son, I need you to me a favour for me' the boy raised an eyebrow. 'Put my phone back where you found it and go down the back hall as a have left you a special present for you, enjoy...'. The boy slightly smiled at his father's kind gesture and looked at the message again to make sure his eyes weren't deceiving him.

The boy gripped the phone and smiled once more. He decided to accept his father's request and go to the back hall. He bounced off his bed showing a much greater more compared to his last mood change. He quickly shifted out of his bedroom and ran down the left hall and entered his father's bedroom and places the iPhone onto the soft bed. The boy races out to the back hallway, while on the way he notices the time past and the moon was slowly raising in the sky shining a light reflection onto the pale wall. He see's a small golden rabbit sitting on a chair at the end of the hallway, in peace and quiet alone. The boy slowly walks towards the toy and turns off his light and lets the light from the moon take the form in the room.
The boy stops as he sees an unusual twitch in the toy and stops still and silently waiting and examining the toy's figure and the movement it had appeared. He stared in horror as the toy twitched a couple more times and an non-natural way, he turned his light beam back on the toy and the twitching stopped again fully. The boy slowly starts to take long backwards strides towards the back of the hall and quickly turned around to escape the horror filled plush toy. As he starts to move he hears footsteps other then his own creep slowly towards his body, he stood at the thought of another terrifying robot coming after him like within him dreams. 
He swiftly turns around switching his light on to see the toy around two metres away from him not like the previous five metre spacing between the pair of beings. He took a look at the figure as it was standing on what appears to be a engraved  cross in the wooden floor. He could hear the grandfather clock chime at the hour that was present. The toy quickly shuffled back to its seat, the boy quickly took the opportunity to break into a run towards the safety of his own bedroom. He slammed the door shut as he breathes deep slow breaths trying to calm his mind. 'Some present!' He thought to himself as he left himself to the thought of why his father had planned that terrifying event towards the boy and yet was still nowhere to be seen.

Authors note: Sorry for this chapter for being longer than the others I'll trying and keep the chapter sizes the same. Keep reading if you like this and thanks.

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